This game is a Souls-like in all of the worst and most frustrating parts of the experience. Many aspects felt like they were purposefully designed to be bad to create an artificial difficulty, with most of it having to do with Terrence aka your main character.
Light attacks have very long wind-up because my man can't decide whether he wanted to hold his cane sword in a normal or reverse grip, so using light attack you have to wait for his ass to flip the damn thing around before you can actually hit the enemy.
Heavy attacks most of the time WON'T interrupt enemies if they're already mid-animation, but their attack WILL knock you out of yours, so on top of a very bad trade each heavy attack chunks like 1/4 of your stamina so pray to god you can roll out of the way with whatever you have left in the tank.
Bosses are also some of the most poorly designed I've seen in a Souls-like. In a word  they're very "cheap". On top of poorly telegraphed attack, thet love to spam so it's a game of wait 5 minutes until they're done with their combo so you go in for at most 2 pokes, rinse and repeat.
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