👍 Pros: The Physics Animation is something to die for 😍 Who woudn't want to play this game? You can switch while gliding, you can run on walls upward, run sideward and sprinting cost no stamina! Not only that! you think we're done?
🎮 Gameplay: You can parkour your way in a roof ledge! If that's not enough, you can also graple in the air to pull your self up or spiderman your way to one point to another. The amazing animation while evading and you could also counter heavy attack from enemies! Seriously things that Genshin didn't thought about doing is right here.Gameplay EP4
🎵 Sound: The music sounds modern, I hope they nake it more impactful. I gotta say, genshin ambient music is much better. Overall audio is okay. I still hate Yangyang and Chixia's voice. Yangyang is short tongued and Chixia is too cringe 🤣
📖 Storylie: Character clothing is modern like design, artstyle is similar to genshin since they have similar system but this game is much better in every way. The story is also great and I hope the story is not neglected in the future. Unlike genshin, this game's theme revolves around soundwaves instead of elementals. Give us option to rover's being able to select love interest or romance 👍🏻 Better intimacy NPC side quest to evolve intimacy level.
👎 Cons: Not good for people that quit's easily when facing a hard boss. Not good forweak devices. Better check the system requirements guyz.
This game is also free to play friendly. If you don't want to spend a dime, dont worry because this game is quite generous. You just have to complete 100% exploration get all chest and you get almost 10000 of game currency to spend in gatcha!. You don't need to pull all characters to get strong seriously!
💰 Value for Money: If you ever spend money on this game to pull weapons and charscters, all is worth it cuz each character animation is unique to it's style. Weapon pullling for gold tier will basically carry your character and combat throughout.
🕹️ Controls: For pc, it's easy to change key binding to what you're familiar with and the default ckntrol is easy to remember. I hope they add more functions like keybind for guidebook. Also allow us to please press C or character button while on the map.
👎 Cons: Speaking of map, please make the range smaller when tapping in the map so we could put marker near the beacon because it's annoying that we can't put marker near to beacons andnother icons because of the range and auto select. Allow us to name our markers so when we tap it, we'll knoe what we tagged.
You can stay playing MC and just get him a 5 star weapon that'll deal decent Attack with awesome attack rate with critical rate and critical damage with a good suporting side character buffs and you could deal damage to enemies as strong as the one you pull in banners.
It's so fun to play since you have the the freedome to collect echoes or enemy echoes. It's not mandatory to remove MC at play other character as main.
This game got so much potential.
I hope one day, devs can develop this game for solo players who wish to see the other 2 team member characters you selected in the field the same time as your main. You can still switch with animation and all or freely change your main but I'd like to see my companions side by side like final fantasy 15 or Aether gazer where other team members are there and visible. I hope you get my idea. For peole that can't interact online, this is something you should consider for the majority of solo players to remove the boring alone explorstion in your evolving and expanding game world. Having to be able to see companion side by side while running, exploring and battling. And atleast have a total of 6 to 9 enemies. Or you could have 3 visible enemies and implement enemies being able to summon or call out for backup. Would love to see intense combat in the world while battling with team mates side by side.
🎬 Presentation: I don't know why they removed the CBT cinematic and animation during intro and all but I hope one day they put it back. First battle is still good but no longer as epic as back then during CBT.
🗺️ Map Design: Map design is amazing, but I hope they put more side quest in the field with random NPC that will tell you story about hoe that land became like that or hoe it's geograph is explained cuz floating lands instad of giving us picture with dialog and that's it! Who has time to read those? It's better that a quest or NPC tells you about it.
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Octal Way
Octal Way
bullshit gacha game
Your dissapointment to it's gatcha is no longer new, to better your experience, unlink your account. Create a new one and pull again see if pittysystem will give you something better. Or you could play MC all throughout.
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