👍 Pros:
Ports over (almost) all your progress and content from MWII and III.
👎 Cons:
Awful touch controls.
Laggy and very resource heavy, obviously ment to market toward gaming tablets or phones. Very unoptimized with lots of pop in.
Matchmaking is not locked, meaning you'll connect with people on controller or keyboard, even if your using touch screen which means a massive disadvantage.
TTK is flawed and horribly fast paced.
Locks TDM and other modes behind playing BR matches.
If you want a good Cod game on mobile, play Cod Mobile. It's 10 times better.
This review is from launch aswell, so it may be outdated. But that's my experience.
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Warzone MFKer
Warzone MFKer
The difference between CODM and WZM is the graphics, CODM using Unity Engine (a light engine for mobile but low-quality graphics), and the map of CODM looks like the same size with WZM but actually it's smaller than WZM so that the Activision's strategy to make higher detail, higher performance and graphics quality a bit better than WZM
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Warzone MFKer
Warzone MFKer
Treyarch also will make another lobby for only players using the controller and keyboard. which means that players playing touch will not play with players using the controller and keyboard.
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Warzone MFKer
Warzone MFKer
talk about your laggy. The engine that WZM stills using now is IW9.0 (which engine made for PCs and consoles with high-quality graphics). Activision and Treyarch are still discussing the solution optimize graphics quality and performance of mobiles's processor. So you need to wait until the next patch and version are released
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