This is the graphically most impressive "clash royale", and i immediately fell in love with its atmosphere. Additionaly, the gameplay offers more depth than other alternatives, with hero skills, race bonuses, and equipment, which leaves and amazing first impression, and i spent a lot of time in Empires, and bought two subscriptions, as well as a 30$ mythic chest.
As in most other f2p games, your progress will hit a wall, though, after you reach a rank, where you are placed against opponents with stronger and rarer cards.
It didnt bother me too much, though, as there is a 2vs2 mode with its own ladder, that i really enjoyed, so winning or losing was only secondary for ne.
And yet, the game bored me at some point:
There are too little cards to choose from, which leads to the same decks played by everybody, with the same couple of overpowered cards for every leader. Which you need to stay competitive, and forces you to spend money at some point, as Mythics are extremely (!) hard to get.
During my whole time, i opened a plethora of chests of all sizes, and drew just a single one!
Additionaly, there really isnt much skill involved.
Once you learned all the optimal plays for each situation, the game becomes a no-brainer, and the only motivation is developing your collection, which is a pain, as the game is very greedy, and droprates are awful.
Edit (07/2024):
I recently started a fresh account, to see, if the game had done any progress in the meantime.
The answer is a clear no!
The solo-ladder remains as pay2win heavy as always. It doesnt matter how good you play, or how optimized your collection is: You will soon reach a point, where you wont be able to succed.
The cooprative ladder is somewhat better, as it raises all units to a minimum of lv10. In the end, its not much difference, though, as the equipment stays the same, and leads to heavy pay2win-elements.
To make things worse, there is a trend to downgrade the own rank, to easily farm medals. So, even on the lowest ranks, you will be coupled with people who dont do anything, or paired against teams with insanely strong units.
Another big downside remains the community.
For some reason, people like to spam emotes during battles, especially when they are dominating. Its a useless, respectful and extremely annoying behavior, that hurts the experience just more...
Talking about guilds: Ive tried several ones of all ranks, and ended guildless. On purpose.
There are "international" guilds where everybody speaks his own language. There are guilds full of bored people that kill time with stupid talking. And, every single guild doesnt like members with weak collections.
Most of the time, i was ignored after asking for a play-partner, or left alone after one or two matches. Which left me asking myself, what i was doing, spending time with a game, that gives so incredibly little back...
I, still, do wholeheartedly NOT recommend this game.
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