Final verdict after 1 week:
Have just deleted the game after reaching the boss of Edith, and I stand corrected on my review above: this game is a dogshit attempt at a Souls-like.
Late game enemies can straight up hyper armor their way through all your attacks even your specials and once again, Terrence being the most notorious example of this because of just how horrendously bad he is. You can dodge in and do a heavy, you can pace yourself and do a heavy, you can circle around and do a heavy, doesn't fucking matter, the enemy can just turn on a dime and smack you and you'd be staggered out of your attack.
Hit registration is also absolutely terrible. If there's so much as a slight elevation difference like stairs, which there is a lot is Katib, his attacks will just phase through the enemy even if you're right up in their face, but of course the enemy can still hit you. Viola is also a victim of this, especially her blue ammo. I could be standing like an arm length away from an enemy and wind up my gun, but if that enemy isn't already aware of my presence then the attack whiff completely because they get this weird i-frames until they actually finished their starting animation.
Norwood is the only character who actually felt like he was designed with thoughts and balancing put into it. He can tank damage and also dish them out in return, and stagger actually feels like a two-way interaction between him and whatever he's fighting.
And then there's a bunch other QoL stuff, but I'll only delve into one thing: the throwing knives. If you don't have Viola in your team then throwing knives are your only option at dealing with ranged targets. Except that you can't buy them in surplus whenever you come across a merchant because there's no storehouse feature in this game, so you can only have 10 at a time, and only merchant in CERTAIN areas sell them.
In that case they could've just made you buy a crafting recipe for it but NOPE! For something that is so basic and so early game, surprisingly there is no recipe for this damn thing. But you can have this recipe for a flaming knives instead which, surprise surprise, still require the basic ones to craft. So you can probably imagine my frustration arriving in Edith and having to fight clowns that can just poise through my attacks while 3 freaking crones ceaselessly throw fire bombs on my head from out of melee reach.
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