The Next Best Moba Is Now Here! What are you waiting for? Try it out and enjoy the game.

One of the most awaited MOBA game since 2015 is now here. Honor of Kings is a 5 vs 5 or 1 vs 1 Multiplayer Online Battle Arena where 2 teams compete to destroy the enemy base, whoever manages to destroy the enemy base wins. The game didn't see full release back in the day due to the game being region locked to China only. It did got a release but with a different name called "Arena of Valor. Here are the things that you can check out in game: NOTE: YOU CAN ALSO PLAY THIS GAME OFFLINE BY NAVIGATING THROUGH THE LOGIN PAGE ON THE TOP RIGHT CORNER OF YOUR SCREEN. GAME MODES: The game consist of multiple game modes to hook you up for hours, some of the game modes does allow you to enjoy the game and not getting stressed at all.
NOTE: When start from bronze where you will asked if you want to risk your match if you want be promoted instantly to Silver, if you managed to win the game you get promoted to silver instantly. You will be asked again one last time if you want to be promoted from silver to gold instantly, if you managed to win the game then you get promoted to Gold rank.
EVENTS: Since the game have just recently been launched, the game have tons of rewards given to players, either for people who are willing spend and people who just wants to play for fun. Here are some samples pictures for the current and on-goings that they have right now.
SHOP: This is where you can buy heroes, skins, redeem fragments and draws. The game offers a lot of amazing discounts for both heroes and skins which usually changes from time to time. The currency available in the market are Starstones, Crystals and Tokens.
Here are some pictures showing the in-game shop:
HEROES INFORMATIONS: The game is amazing when it comes to giving information for the heroes that you are curious about, you provided sample videos of the skills along with the combo guides for each specific heroes and roles.
OTHER MODES TO CHECK: Aside from the main contents, there are others things that you can do in-game. Such as:
BATTLEPASS: The game currently has a battlepass that gives tons of rewards for both free and paid battlepass. It would be great to get the battle buy the battlepass to get more rewards.
So what are you waiting for? Try out and the game and let me know your thoughts about the game. If you have questions or concerns about the game, feel free to leave your comment below. Follow Me For More: Gameplay Videos, Articles and Reviews.
To know more information about the game, you may visit the official game website through here:
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anyone who played any MOBA game can play this game without reading this.
This article is for those people who are curious about the game. That's why I did put every information about the game. It is the choice of a person if they would like to read or ignore this. Hope you have a great day. 😊
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