Wuthering Waves 1.1 update. Fixed almost all the bugs from 1.0 and devs are being generous as usual.
1.0 won't run the game smoothly past medium settings, now it runs on almost highest settings without lag.
Storyline was peak. And the events are on spot with the current area. New enemies. No new daily boss yet. Might be in next patch. Region is small with a lot of chests. And fun puzzles
If WuWa 1.0 was 6/10
This is a solid 9.5
Jinhsi is an overpowered power creep. If you're considering pulling changli over her, don't. Her power makes doing daily runs and calamity bosses easily
Better focus on exploring rather than flexing " I defeated a lvl 120 boss with a lvl 1 chixia"  it'll just waste your time.
Anyway, Wuwa is going to have a bright future ahead.
Only complain is their echo system. Gotta remove the tuners and make a system to recycle echos and turn em into exp mats
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