Doom Eternal the perfect sequel to Doom 2016

Does this game even need an intro? Awesome game and storyline with good optimization. One of few games where you the horror in a horror game. It's a very fast paced game compared to doom 2016.
After almost 30 years we witnessed the Doom slayer finish the task he wanted to do and that was to defeat hell.
Controls:-They are mostly the same as Doom 2016 which makes it easier to play. Some control are new and will take time to get used to but not much worries.
Graphics/Details:- They went for the classic Doom 3 graphics and it looks great. Though I will say that some designs of Demons are better in Doom 2016. The game runs smooth even of 2560 x 1800 resolution.
Pros:- Even though punches don't do much in this game compared to doom 2016 where we can 2 shot a zombie or lmp. But no worries we have the blood punch and it's very cool. Better weapon compared to Doom 2016 plus the chainsaw is rechargeable and can be used from time to time which makes it better than Doom 2016. And how can I forget the soundtrack. The soundtracks are soo good.
Some of my personal favourites are:-
1) The Only Thing They Fear Is You
2)Hell On Earth
3)BFG Division
4)Cultist Base
5)Metal Hell
Cons:- Some new demons/monsters are introduced which are very annoying to deal with . Killing demons doesn't give ammo like Doom 2016(which is okay we have the chainsaw). In my personal opinion I feel that we tend to lose health faster compared to Doom 2016 or it might me just me. The map viewer looks a bit different and weird to look in my opinion the Doom 2016 map view was easier to see the map. Though I will say the maps view isn't as detailed in Doom 2016.
Keep smashing Demons and have a good day/evening/Night.
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