Zenless Zone Zero - My First Impression

Been playing till the first champaign story done, or should i say, the prolog?
I like it so far. Its kinda different with hoyo others games.
Story: as far as i go, 4.5/5
I like the way the make the story. Its kinda refreshed too. The premise is not that repetitive with other games. They didnt bombing us with a lot of new terms, which kinda nice to me.
Also i like how the combine slideshow and cinematic in the story. Not to mention, the fact that both of the mc(players) included in 1 screen in the story. Even when we need to choose 1 of em(wise or belle) to our main.
Graphic: 5/5
Wow, just wow. The graphic is soo good. And the movement and cinematic is so fluid. And smooth.
They looks like used 3d design with the char design, like snowbreak.
Effect: 4.5/5
The hit effect and the skill effect in the game are great tho. I like it that it didnt disturb us when we playing it.
Personally, i like the roadmap tv thing that we do, when exploring, before enggage with the enemies. It feels new to me
And then, for the mechanic gameplay. I really like, especially the quick swap mechanic. There are dodge, perfect dodge, and switch parry too.
But to me, its more useful to use "switch parry", cuz we can continue it with quick swap. Since the parry animation is longer and we cant get hit when the animation started.
This is just my personal impression. Feel free to correct me, if i give wrong information.
Mentioned games
Bud can you tell me how you put pics in the post ?
just add it with the picture button in there
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