About heaven burn red global release

Hey, I want to talk about heaven burn red from key that will be published by yostar for global version.
I play heaven burn red in JP version since 2023. It is really story heavy game, so if you are planning to play this game, you might be better to like story based/visual novel game. I will talk about my experience when I played this game in 2023 and come back again this month in 2024.
If you like story, you will really love this game. This game will really play with your emotion and make you weep at the end of every scenario(sometime). The gameplay of this game is turn based rpg with every character have their role. Every character have their usage, they can learn many skill and they have many style(you pull for them). The combat system is really interesting, but at later time if you have gain many style with their specific role, it will be a game of rock paper scissor and playing with buff and debuff to get maximum damage output. This game has shield system(DP), every character have it and enemies too. You need to break this shield before dealing damage to HP. Also if you play HSR, it has a similar system in term of using skill.
This game is extremely difficult at first time in the past. I got blocked in chapter 3 by the final boss at that time, and I tried to make my character more powerful by rushing farming accessory. The final accessory star is 6 and when I found out it is a gacha, I quit(lol). If you want to farm 6 star accessory, you need to farm some boss in some game mode. It is extremely difficult(take time), so I was burned out quickly.
I come back to heaven burn red JP this month since it is their half anniversary, since I am thinking to give it another chance. They make the difficulty bearable(really thankful for this). I can finish chapter 3 final boss, and defeat boss for 6 star accessory easily.
You can easily complete this game daily in 5-10 minute. This game has a stamina system called life. Max life is 5 and need 4 hour to replenish. You can skip boss fight by 5 time(5 life), and after you finish it will ask you if you want to fight again. You can replenish your life using lifestone(you get it from some login bonus) or premium currency.
Is this game f2p friendly? I think no, but in some sense it give many item to upgrade your character style each new side story opened. But, in term of premium currency? You can't really expect much. You get 110 quarts from daily. Weekly? You get currency to limit break your character style for 1 time. Every week you can get to 7.25% of progress percentage for limit break. You can use it if it become 100%. You get 1500 quarts(i don't know if this is the case, because i play archive event and i can get 500 only) if you play current event side story. Regular login bonus will give you some quarts too.
Let's talk about banner system. There is a reason why I make an opinion if this game is not f2p friendly. The banner system is the culprit. When I start playing at 2023 of course I am going to pull for character banner. Banner don't have a pity system(in 2023). Banner only have a spark system at 200 pulls. 10 pulls cost 3000 quarts. You will get many currency at first start of your gaming journey, but the rate don't let you do it. SS style has 3% rate, and featured style only has 0.750% rate. I have pulled over 200 pulls in this game at 2023 and I only got 1 SS style(probably my luck). You will got 1 SS style at the start of gacha tutorial, and you can reset marathon easily. When I came back this month, I realized that they add bonus gauge at gacha banner. It will give you 1 SS pull ticket at 50 pulls. I can't guarantee you that this bonus gauge will present or not every time a new banner appear. It will only appear at what so called platinum banner(2 featured style). It will not appear at multiple style banner(it feature all kind of style from their selected category).
I really wish that they add this bonus gauge at early game. I don't plan to play global version because it is so hard to progress the game to my current progress. I am still intermediate and my power level for team is 12500. All pro player will sit at 16k-20k power level with every character has 3k-4k power. This power level can only be achieve if you limit break your style to max limit break. Limit breaking will increase style max level and you need to farm that level to raise their potential to the max. Also you need best accessory and some booster(another stat boost item) with chips. It will take so much time to max limit break your style. This game's gameplay is stat is everything. The more powerful your stat is the more bulkier and strong you damage output. Also, i will tell you that you can't go full offense and braindead in this game. At strong boss fight, it will even break you DP easily even if you has your defensive stat high enough.
I hope for the best for heaven burn red global version. I don't know how it will goes but, this game will need you to spend if you want that favorite style you want. Just hope that yostar make heaven burn red global dev team implement all the good thing from current JP version. I also hope that bonus gauge will be there at launch time. If you want to play this game, take a note at my word and see if they implement the bonus gauge 50 pulls pity(one time use) or not. Maybe global player can plead for that bonus gauge, or maybe yostar can turn global version into more generous experience for global player.
If you read all my text to this far, I bet you already know what to expect for heaven burn red global version. I am sorry for my writing. Probably some of it is confusing, has grammar error, redundant, and poorly structure. This is me trying to give out my experience playing this game, and giving you all the difference between 2023 and 2024 version of JP. Just hope global implement all 2024 version of JP, and I might be switch over to global version if they implement the 50 pulls pity early. You can't expect powerful style at start of release. If they starting to release banner with element(fire/thunder/ice/dark/light), that is the real deal.
Alright, I am off.
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Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts on the game with us! It was a pleasant read. 😁 I gave the JP version a try when it first came out and damn I had fun! I enjoyed pretty much everything the game had to offer! The battles were fun, the music was great and the characters were pretty nice too! My favorite character is Karen by the way! I just LOVE crazy ladies! 😍 The only exception was the story. Its not that I didnt like it, I couldnt READ it. 😭 Even so, for some reason, I knew the story was great! Dont ask me why, because I have no idea. It just felt that way to me. Now that we're getting an EN (A.K.A. "Global") version, I really cant wait to read the story! ✦.✦ For the gacha, a rate of 3% is indeed low for SS rarity characters, but Ive seen waaaaaay worst..... I usually save my gacha currency until I see the banner of a character I like and then I go all out until I get that character! That way, I rarely run out of gacha currency. In your post, you said 3 things that I really liked! 1. Rerolling (<- Reset Marathon) is easy. 2. We're guaranteed to get the banner character after 200 pulls 3. We get at least 1 limit break item each week. This means that, as long as I have at least enough gacha currency for 200 pulls, Ill be able to obtain the characters I want and max them out after a while. Im sooooo happy to hear this! Yostar is usually very generous, so Im pretty sure they wont remove those 3 features from the "Global" version.
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no male character?
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