A lot of people may not enjoy the simpler gameplay or the presentation of the story, but I like what they've done with this. The production values feel like MiHoYo has elevated their dialogue writing and I appreciate that the game is more approachable and grounded. No epic Gods here or dozens of histories and mythologies to remember. The game is more relatable, with characters talking about work, paying bills, doing jobs, playing games at an arcade, watching movies, and coffee.
As for gameplay, it might not be quite as extensive as Genshin or Star Rail, but it's still fun. It's very fast paced and requires timing on dodges and parries, but it's forgiving enough that most can play. It helps that characters are both endearing enough to enjoy spending time with and they're fun to play as, with flashy style and unique move sets.
For me, this is possibly the most enjoyable MiHoYo game yet as I grew weary of stories about Gods and mythological battles and national histories. I'd rather spend my time with these characters running a video store and taking commissions for construction crews and former gang members.
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