Worse then the current nfs on console and pc. Only slightly better then nfs no limits.
I expected to see car customization on par with nfs 2015 but no. Wanna put on a sick bodykit? Too bad you gotta unlock it with premium currency or grind for hours. Wanna add decals? Oop! Not so fast, you gotta get them through events, gamemodes, and premium currency. Cars being gacha is the icing on top. Wanna improve the car stats? Well grind for the materials and and you can only upgrade it by tier. You cannot skip a tier, it's that bad. And cars are locked to tiers and can only be upgraded so much. Such a downgrade from buying a shitbox and upgrading it to smoke hypercars. Progression is so artificial that only reason you'll be playing is to get a feel of what console and pc players get. Which is neutered by the fact it's riddled with gacha and microtransactions.
Story? Practically non existent. Takes place in palm city. But doesn't acknowledge any characters from nfs heat. Story is basically mid tier slop to keep you playing. Can't believe nfs 2015 story is much more enjoyable. Then this. And making the M3 GTR the app icon is just the typical EA sprinkling in nostalgia for $$$. And i absolutely hate the handling model. Grip is barely usable and your practically shooting yourself in the leg doing it. It being tap to drift is so mind numbingly boring. All the added tricks of getting nitrous boost is cancelled by it boiling down to tap to drift. Sharp corner? Tap to drift. Hairpins? Tap to drift. Slight corner? Tap to fucking drift. I bet someone could complete a stage with their eyes closed to how basic the handling is. Literally just turn off brain and tap tap on screen.
The multiplayer hot pursuit feels neutered. Your saying we're doing high heat races in the middle of the day? What's the point of using a pre established map that has made street racing legal? There's a reason why there's a day and night cycle in heat. It's to seperate the legal street races and illegal street racing. Yet this game that's being developed by the kingpins of mobile gaming can't do it? Not to mention cop cars are easy to outrun. And they're stupid. All they do is get close and immediately deals damage. What the fuck? The ai cop cars are practically brain dead. And only acts as pain in the ass being seen by them. The racers are equipped with so much gadgets to use and outrun a cop. What does a cop player have? Some stupid damage field. It's just dumb.
Graphically it's good. What do you expect? It's using unreal engine. Of course it'll look graphically good.
If your really going ape shit wanting to play this glorified mobile slop. Go ahead i don't care. Just don't go swiping that card of yours willy nilly. Remember apex legends mobile? Yeah, be weary cuz it's the same company handling the development. Cars being gacha isn't helping this game. It's only made to be gacha due to how much money genshin and hsr are pulling in. And tenshit wanting a piece of the pie. (Not knowing the mobile market is saturated with gacha)
That's it. I hate the game. I enjoyed the mainline nfs titles and had some enjoyment with nfs no limits but this is just slop. Slop that the majority of players wouldn't know cuz they only play mobile games. So they end up enjoying mediocrity. Painful.
Mentioned games
Those last sentences are very true. I can't blame then though, most people here don't really have the means to buy PC/Console, they don't have the means to compare these f2p mobile slops to actual paid pc/console games, hell, there are even good paid single player games here on mobile but they won't pay for it, but ready to drop $$$$$ on gacha and loot boxes in these games. They're stuck with f2p endless gacha grind and loop. And game publishers seeing that successful loop, urges more of them to develop and publish more of these mediocre f2p mobile crap, because sadly and honestly, it makes them more money than your standard Triple A games nowadays.
ll Leonardo ll
ll Leonardo ll
truth. if even a small drop of what a good triple A game land on these people, they'll see how mediocre the games they praise and constantly play are. but they sadly won't. and game companies will continue to churn out slop for them to gobble on and praise. biggest gaming market in the world and is yet to experience a real game. depressing.
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Daniel Matheus
Daniel Matheus
damn dis grinding on EA's meat
ll Leonardo ll
ll Leonardo ll
to be honest im just airing my opinion. but this new nfs game is just peak mediocrity. they can do better but choose to do the bare minimum cuz most if not all of mobile gamers are yet to experience a pc/console game. so they praise this slop like it's the best game on mobile.
Miroslav Kirilov
Miroslav Kirilov
holy shit version I
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