ZZZ is it actually making it's playerbase go ZZZ?

I seriously don't get the hate. Game is really good. Amazing animation, voice acting is stellar as ever, and a banging roster for it's release.
Sure after wuthering waves came out and showed everyone what real combat is, everyone is saying this game is mid, boring, zzz. It's a hack and slash. It does what it needs to do and does it pretty nicely. Tho certain characters feel lacking in their attack animations. (Looking at you billy kid) but there's ben and koleda having joint attacks and ults. Which is really nice. Tho if im being honest, almost all the characters in game have really great attack animations.
The cutscenes are seriously well made. (Genshin and HSR funding those animators real good) the smear frames, the bouncy animations, the exaggeration, it's just nice to watch. From simple scenes like wise and belle walking, to the big fight scene with koleda vs that unknown ethereal, the animators didn't skimp out and continued to do what they do best. Which is so nice to see as even small cutscenes look super lively.
Graphically it's good. Even the battle arenas are well designed. They're just packed with details. They don't look bland or lazy in any way which makes it such an eye candy. Even the vfx are super cool, from having impact frames for characters ults (even tho some of them don't have it? Or maybe i just dont notice. While some have the most boring inpact frame) to characters having a slight change when they have their signature W-engine. Game is naturally good looking especially when it's raining and the floor is reflecting the surrounding.
Batle mechanics are basic. You save up energy to cast a stronger version of your skill, build up daze to proc chain attacks, and build up combo meter to 3k to use ult. This is where most if not all of the people are pinning ZZZ down. Tho people have been making use of switch to another character while the previous character is still doing their attack. It's simple but effective. But alot of people have been bashing the game with "you can play this game with just pressing the attack button" without knowing there's chain attacks and daze build up. While yes the battle mechanics aren't deep as an ocean, they're good enough and do what they need to do. As the game aims to make sure the casual playerbase enjoys their time.
Speaking of casuals, pandering to them usually makes the people who get good annoyed as everything is made easy or somewhat easier. I do hope the game can find a balance later on with it's end game content. As it being easy doesn't help with fending of the kids who wants to attack anything that competes with their favourite game. (Crazy i know)
Now i can't forget about the wacky little rabbit like companies we have when venturing in to the hollows, yea that's right, bangboos. Cute little rabbit like companion that help us out dealing with ethereals. From dual wielding cleavers to building bear traps, they're kind of a highlight of the game with their wacky animations and "en-nah" speech. Hoyoverse knows how to design little companions. (Paimons a different conversation.)
While sure the game isn't mechanically deep as an ocean, we're given enough tools to tinker around and that is good. Not every game needs to be some deep philosophical venture on how dinklebop met the doohickey and teamed up to fight quandale. Seriously, a good ol hack and slash is always welcome. Now go play your favourite game or watch something instead of stirring up unnecessary hate. And don't always listen to content creators. Their opinion is not yours. It's theirs. Now that's all for me.
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Christophe Alexander
Christophe Alexander
the coping is real
ll Leonardo ll
ll Leonardo ll
how the fuck is this cope? you dislike the game? why interact? why subject yourself to something you dislike?
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The comparison between Wuthering Waves and ZZZ is just dumb because those are two different types of games.
comparing any game is stupid in general cuz they're whole different with the same genre
It's the community, man. These communities are a toxic wasteland in which everyone wants to be right about everything and anyone else who thinks different is a fool. Don't ever get involved with these communities or fandoms, you'll be way happier that way.
What you said. I blame social media. And postmodernism. And Millennials. And...
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first of all there to many problem during initial launch. they release the game but not limit the device making people downloading 17gb game where it not compatible. when they report it the game become not supported in your device. the same problem with honkai star rail black backgrouns sue to incompatible (honkai fix this issue a month later) while zzz still no news they will patch it or not like honkai
Christia Bayu
Christia Bayu
a game that is carried so hard by it's graphic and animation lol amazing for those who don't usually play action games and casuals but not for players who really love this kind of genre, honestly it is one of the weakest combat gacha on the market in term of combat gameplay. remember when the dev promote it as a focus combat game? that shatter all combat game fans expectations when it's released
yea, they created way too much hype for their combat, but in the end it was just switch charecters the perfect time and fnaservice
cause Mihoyo/Genshin fanbase is crazy
Pao Lo
Pao Lo
most of the people are poor i guess. cant afford to buy high end device , pc to play the game.
- first the 180 pull scheme, it's just 30 free limited free pull, the rest is just free bangboo and standard pull, bait much? - the combat while i enjoy it, most of the time i only button mash the basic attack until i regenerate some energy to do certain character enhanced attack, which really repetitive most of the time - the shared ultimate bar also definitely sucks, I probably won't use most Chara ultimate because i need to use the hard to obtain decibel on DPS only to clear the stage quickly - TV mode is extremely boring and unnecessary, CN community already point this out, but hoyo being hoyo. people said it's unique, i agree with this for a while until it becomes extremely repetitive and boring - overly expressive animation/cutscenes is (in my opinion) cringe asl, if they want to got that route go ahead it's just im not really a fan of this kind of exaggerating movement like disney - the limited parry system is weird, cuz there's almost no real combat skill needed, only your parry management on when to use it and when not because there's a limit on how many times you're allowed to use it, like what? - non selective party sytem where I can't choose what character i want to switch also take most of my time to change to certain character when i accidentally press switch out of again muscle memory from using parry which have the same button as party switching don't get me wrong, i like the game so far, I wouldn't compare this with wuwa in any aspect cuz, call me biased but wuwa is definitely better on most aspect. even if i compare this with pgr, is still chose pgr anytime zzz is fine, i still play it here and there, but making a game with almost the same reward and gacha system with their previous 2 game is just not it considering it's definitely whole different genre
fucking valid point
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i played 10hrs and its lacking in aspect and people try to cope up with good animation the mission are short and just a little map over n over again unlike how they wrote it to be dungeons map changing as u go deeper or something along the lines its only the words its not very immersive if u dont read much good game for time to time to kill time nothing worth spending your time and grind for it i cant even bother myself to talk about it anymore not the best hack and slash out there but i give it solid 7.5/10 for mobile just 4 or so for pc world of gaming
Because I enjoy trolling you, little Christopher Robin. Not only are you a sociopath but you HAVE to reply when I taunt you because your issues won't let you let someone else have the last word. You're also terribly insecure so you have to try portraying yourself as wealthy at almost every opportunity. The last time someone tried to impress me with their supposed wealth was a kid on a WoW server, 15 years ago...🤦 You seem to have a rape fetish 😂
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