Free Looter Shooter on Pc Xbox ps5 ps4

👍 Pros: Pve games is rising again and i think this free to play game is a fine game to play but needs just a little improvements in some sides of the game.
great graphics many characters to open and play with.
i liked the colossus idea every time you complete a set of missions and your level rises you need to defeat a new colossus to continue.
👎 Cons: I didn't like the complicated system of loot.
like You have Repeat The Same Missions Over 20 Times Maybe To The Material that you are looking for.
📖 Storyline: the story is weak.
🎮 Gameplay: the game play is very addictive and you need Friends To Play with Becasuse There are missions that is very difficult to play alone.
Very Addictive You Just Run and shoot but you won't stop playing it has its own game play identity.
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Ethan De La Rosa
Ethan De La Rosa
This game is awesome
Felipe Borges
Felipe Borges
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