Initial Impressions for Sword of Convallaria

A Tactical RPG Game!
It's been a very long time since I've played a game in this genre. (Last one I did was The Alchemist Code)
Let me share what I've experienced so far.
Let me start at how the game looks.
It is GORGEOUS or am I really that just biased in the pixel art style? 😂
But really, the 2.5D pixel art (or as they call it "Enhanced Pixel Art") is really well done and matches the game's aesthetics.
The character designs also fit well in the game's world and nothing seems off.
Then what else is there, the mix of the tarot cards? Yes, all of it just blends well together~
Then onto how the game plays
Each tactics game have their own spin and Sword of Convallaria has its own too.
Characters have their own unique skills that affect the battlefield in different ways (I've yet to do more combinations but I do see the potential).
The incorporation of the height mechanics as well as interactable objects on the battle field is a very much welcome addition.
Discovering different ways on completing a stage is something I truly love.
And of course, there's the gacha.
As with most mobile games these days, there's a gacha-system present here as well.
You obtain characters and equipment through the banners presented in-game.
Currently, there's the Beginner Banner (standard for these games), two Standard Banners (1 for characters and another for equipment) and three Featured Banners (they call it  Debut and Destined).
I'm not fond of having multiple featured banners since the FOMO is stronger with these rate ups.😅
Just learn to have self-control if you're going to spend or just save up your freebies and pull for the characters you want.
Overall, I'm enjoying the game so far~
Hopefully the story develops more intrigue to me as that's what really pulls me into staying to play games.
So let's see how far I'll go with Sword of Convallaria.
Mentioned games
Lindow Amamiya
Lindow Amamiya
easily get bored same quest
да, чувак, это не игра, а симулятор траты стамины
докупать стамину и в перед)
Chroco Dile (Chroni-code)
Chroco Dile (Chroni-code)
it just stamina base. 😣
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