TLDR: there are some good games out there, roblox promotes trashy ones. the platform itself is kind of janky. Community isn't so great.
(Click here to see longer, more indepth review) So, let's see the long review, shall we? Roblox itself is quite an interesting platform to play games. Frankly, it depends where you look what experience you get, because there are a lot of games. Most bad, some good. For getting unique and fun games, I'd reccomend going to youtube or some search engine and searching for the best roblox games to play. Roblox truly has something for everyone. It just depends where you look.
Frankly the physics engine is a bit janky, errors occasionally. If you hit something, sometimes it doesnt get hit. Not much else to say about the physics.
The community isn't really that good. Toxic players, online daters, hackers, frankly, if you want to have fun i'd reccomend turning off chat in parental controls. And stay away from voice chat.
Overall, roblox generally has something for everyone if you know where to look. Roleplay? They have it. FPS? They have it. Horrors? They have it!
By the way, if you want some game reccomendations, here are some of my favorites:
1, bake da baby: Although relatively small, (3k players) It has a certain charm to it, and it's a fun, fast paced action game where you either put the baby in the oven, or run away from the chefs and avoid being put in the oven. Overall, the learning curve isn't too steep and it's a fun game to play with friends or randoms!
2, apeirophobia: Although the learning curve is a bit steep its a fun horror game! haven't gotten past level 2, sadly. ):
3, neighbors: Neighbors is a good social game for meeting people, although there is a high chance of meeting the wrong side of the community (online daters, bypassers, toxic people), it's generally a fun game to play when you want to meet new people!
4, the survival game: Looking for a game where you survive in the wilderness, make kingdoms, slaughter your enemies? This is the game for you!
5 is the friends we made along the way (joke)
Anyways, good luck on your journey through roblox! I wish you the best!
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