This is definitely a great game in the bones But SO MANY BUGS

The game is inherently actually good but that’s if you get through a match with at most a little lag sadly the game being release with criware has so many detrimental bugs that an iPhone xr with 2.5ghz and granted a measly 3gb ram can run 2 games max before a detrimental bug occurs causing the user to leave mid match or restart the game with mobas being inherently semi competitive let’s assume your using the latest phone there are still bugs that can ruin the games experience like party invites do not show at all you physically have to click the friend you want to invite and they have to also click on you to find the invite it never shows a notification or anything so you have to be communicating with the other player another way there is no chat function even being in beta makes no sense for a moba there is no quick chat or quick message or mic so no ability to communicate there’s really no way to add a new friend from a game so there’s no chance of getting friends there all this could be fixed with a better party system and a server chat function but that lets me Segway to how bad the severs are not only is the standard North America sever at a constant 40ms+ it’s so bad at times that it will auto correct me into the Asia server only for me to get 150ms+ there so it’s 97% guaranteed you will lag just pray it’s not the middle of a fight the balance on characters seems to be a little uneven honestly the best 2 characters at the moment are zamasu and krillin some how with goku and Vegeta and piccolo under that but krillin takes the cake for being the best especially if you use him to set traps he can take out the entire lane on one bar of health his ttk is absolutely crazy when you stack his first skill with his chaser not to mention he has a long range super attack so anyone who runs is asking to die I’ll wrap this up here. 👍 Pros: There is a good diversity in the starting characters since they put out characters like cooler final form and buu (good) gohan child and goku super saijin it shows that they most likely have plans to drop Frieza final form or even gold goku ssj 2-4 god or even ui buu (Majin) or even kid the one we allll want imagine a majin vegeta or vegeta ssjg they also seemed to zoom the camera angle in slightly and it’s honestly a bit better they do have a “store level” lock on some characters but it’s really so you buy the rest of them before you get your favorites buy meaning with the in game credits there is a ranking system but it’s so easy to forget it exists it’s like your not even playing on ranked even though it’s always ranked that’s really all the pros 👎 Cons: the gameplay is good until it’s utter rubbish there are so many moments in the movement that just makes the character stop for no reason where the joystick can be all the way to one side but I’m standing still until I try to move a different way it’s very detrimental in a fight and needs to be fixed they have added a new mode and that’s awesome but what’s not awesome is a bug that throws me into the wrong mode and loads the match completely like nothing is wrong while throwing me into a black void that is me and my teammates( this bug happened playing in a party so my party mates were unaffected but my game was in a void and I could see only me my teammates the enemies and the npcs so I could technically play but I restarted the game and it loaded me back in the proper game fixing the issue it’s just an issue that should never happen there’s also the issues with the party systems that need to be fixed and the fact that they have no chat at all
They have stamps but they are so confusing honestly
And they also have a Devine combo card system that I will admit is better than a in game store which they don’t have compared to most other mobas but is executed wrong they dont introduce it until you hit rank D4 which is equivalent to silver in other Mobas and if you get matched with anyone in d4 or over while your sitting in E you will get curbstomped because they have combo card power ups that do ALOT and you have that option sitting there with a pretty lock the whole time to fix it they need to either make it so if your matched with a combo card user you automatically get it unlocked to the point that the system picks the best cards for you so that the player isn’t confused by the new thing in there face atleast that way they are getting the benefits of the card and can take the time to learn what they are if they want to get better at the game but right now it’s just a bad match up and your railed into not wanting to play there is also the issue with the way they rank the roles so your ranked as a player based on your average rank based on your role ranks so my damage role is E2 my tank role is D4 and my tech role is E1  which makes my player rank E1 but once my damage is up to e1 and my tech is up to d4 I’ll be player rank D4 I hate this system and it makes it so if you main one role you can not play those other roles in the future because they are so far behind your player rank you will be matched with people who are as good as you are with your best character while you are playing your worst it might work for a beta but in a actual game it would turn people away after spending so much time into one role I feel it’s there fault for maining one role but also the games fault for not placeing a system that allows for fluid transition even now I don’t want to try to rank my damage role because I will lose the first few matches and if your read this far you know that a few matches is all this game can put out before you have to let it sit and cool down or before you have a bug that freezes and crashes the game . I think there is much more to say about how this could be better but I’ll end it here with one more thing
Main krillin till he’s nerfed
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