First the Swan, now the Fish.

Fish, do you mean this Fish from Punishing Gray Raven?
Nope not her. This time it would be, the fish from GI, Kokomi and Shorekeeper from Wuwa.
And why? Some of the individuals state that Shorekeeper's normal attacks or movements during it have the same effect as Kokomi.
Fr, like seriously? The animations aren't the same, the movements during it aren't lookalike( too lazy to even make a video to show this out, should check it out yourself ). And if they talk about both of the characters are levitating during their attack then
Actually, Shorekeeper's animations have similarities with some characters in ToF though I don't play that game, so I can't tell the exact name of such characters. For example some players of ToF from Tt, the transforming into a butterfly. And one here ( Actually feel quite ashamed for those comments trying to prove Wuwa is better, I mean why? Duh ). That's all so time to get back to the fesh.
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