It has been 6 years or more since I started playing this game and I'm still playing. I really love it much better then other games, but now I'm slowly getting  bored and annoyed of it. Why? Well #1 I'm starting to see cheaters what you doing the entire fun of the game. #2 game matching against other players suck and unfair, if I'm 90cp they will be like 300cp, I mean wtf. #3 there are so many bad and troll players they will kill you for no reason over and over again and the game doesn't even give us any option to defend or avoid those jerk players. And #4 and this is the most thing that it's making me get tired of this game is, the success chance of accomplishing a upgrade or enhance or any other is like 000,001% I mean it literally feels like that. And the same way for getting the rare materials to upgrade our equipments, I have a weapon need to upgrade and I think I need a year or more so I can probably get the materials to do that. And I'm pretty sure they are this much hard so then you go to their shop store and buy stuff witch btw it will never be enough. 🙁
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