Ash of Gods: Redemption Game Review

Ash of Gods: Redemption is definitely one of the best narrative-driven RPG games as it quickly immerses players into its unique and complex story backed by the turn-based battle system and beautiful hand-drawn aesthetics. Created by AurumDust, the game is similar to such titles as *The Banner Saga* yet offers the player turn-based combat system enhanced with choices that makes it very interesting.
Namely, the plot deals with the apocalypse as a type of threat, which a number of characters have to confront collectively. It is for these reasons that *Ash of Gods* stands out, as choice is rather impactful — at least, in the story and in battle. There are some critical choices which have to be made by players like sometimes even losing significant characters in order to survive. This not only brings the aspect of emotion in the game but more importantly, the consequences of any wrong choice made are irreversible.
The battle system is developed on the turn base and hence the concept development is quite strategized. Health and energy are characters’ abilities that are used in the battles and players should control their use effectively. The features that makes the combat claustrophobic isn’t just that players are constantly in close quarters thus limited room for regular maneuvers, but most of the time it will come down to who makes the right decisions rather than who has the biggest muscles.
Visually, *Ash of Gods* also has a stylish presentation, being made of hand paintings. Every scene has been painted and every detail and the characters drawn really look like they have been painted. Accompanied by a good music, the design of the game and the setting of the atmosphere fascinate the player.
A possible weakness could be the rather high complexity level of its usage. Sometimes there will be some players who might have challenges when it comes to some fights due to the fact that they are not prepared for the strategic approach that they need to apply while playing the game.
In conclusion, *Ash of Gods: If you are into narrative games and RPGs, as well as turn base battles then Redemption* is a game you NEED on your console. The game has a compelling storyline, vivid game mechanics, and beautiful graphics that make it a worthy game worth playing to those who prefer non-trivial and meaningful decisions in games.
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