Good game, horrendous monetization.
Nice story (except for Belle snow. She's an obnoxious little shit.), nice gameplay, music is nice, graphics maybe nice. I mean, I haven't seen anything like this on mobile. That's probably why the game didn't gain much traction? I'm not sure. What I'm certain of is that most of the recent decisions are really questionable.
We once had here a perfectly fine game, two kinds of gachas: weapons, and chars. You get a char, you get a weap, you build them and be happy. Very simple. Then Halo gacha came. Then El Cid gacha came. Then Weapon of Genesis gacha came. This game is less than half a year old y'all. Less than half a year! That's not the end of it, every 2 months after WoG release, there'll be another gacha. I don't know what to say.
To get currency for these things, first you have to beat content designed for people who have these things at least decently leveled. That's just... Well, you can beat them without the new items, it's just you have to play nearly perfectly since there's this "Wound" mechanic. Wound reduces maximum health each time you take damage so an infinite stall tank + multiple healers team is just not possible. It's definitely okay for some people to be playing one level for tens of minutes, dodging stuff, but I'm just a casual player looking for a casual game. Why isn't there an easier difficulty? People who said "if you don't like it, just look for another game" can go eat shit honestly.
I'm still hoping that it gets better, but it seems unlikely. Pushing out multiple gachas in a really short time feels like they just wanna milk the players still remaining before disappearing 😔
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