Review: Goat Simulator 3 – A Wild, Chaotic Adventure

In Goat Simulator 3 players can experience the typical over-ambitious open-world filled with ridiculousness, stunts and laughter. Fundamentally, it remains a sandbox game in which you’re a goat that can do things that don’t actually make sense in the game’s universe. There are virtually no goals – plain silly rampages with the only purpose to roam around, vandalize things and path through a rather absurd world.
The aspect that should be emphasized is the communicative game humor. From the ridiculous physics to the over-the-top ragdoll mechanics, Goat Simulator 3 knows exactly what it is: It is, in fact, a yog, — or a game that doesn’t take itself seriously.” You can punch people, throw cars and even gain some of the wackiest power-ups as a jetpack or laser eyes etc. This plot makes the sense of humor really stand out because the world is filled with secrets, mini-games, and challenges that usually give you even more ludicrous items or transformations.
Another difference of Goat Simulator 3 from the first part is the additional option, namely multiplayer mode. You can also invite friends and get out of order revealing even more fun when you ruin the game with friends, whether you choose to unleash fun, explore the mini games of the game or try to top each other as to who come up with the most insane moments.
As it is graphically, there has been improvement from the previous games in the series of games. The environments are more detailed and therefore much more vibrant, providing the players with a large, clearly open quest area. However, the game can be still rather unpredictable and have some technical issues from time to time; Yet, that is not ruining the experience for fans of the series as those issues often lead to some funny and unexpected reactions.
Do not expect a lengthy, strongly guided experience here if you’re of a more serious persuasion. However, if you like humorous rubbish where anything goes and has no meaning this game will suit you to the ground and is very entertaining.
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