Game Review: Contraband Police Search & Seize

Contraband Police: Search & Seize is a gameplay based on Action, Strategy and Simulation that will provide users with lots of entertainment. In the game, it is based on a fictional country in Eastern Europe and you are working as a border patrol officer, your role is only to spot contraband, prohibited merchandise, and other unauthorized persons in the vehicles.
One has to admit that the game is really detailed. You are provided with different equipments and approaches to perform your search and scans such as using scanners, x-ray and physical search. This aspect of the gameplay adds to the realism yet it is not monotonous as the player searches each car for compartments, fake documents or any other contraband. Each inspection is a challenge and a thrill regardless of whether or not you get to enjoy the sight of the hidden stowaway products.
Of greatest interest and what gives Contraband Police its distinct social environment is that it is constantly changing. It is not only about symbolic and routinary visualizations of the explored territories. It only gets better and you meet smarter smugglers than the previous one with creative packaging of the illicit merchandise. This makes the game interesting and more complex and thus does not allow one to make easy routines or develop techniques that cannot be overcome. Also, the plot raise certain dramatic elements that are based on corrupt officers and criminal groups’ impact on the story.
The graphics and the over all feel of the game fit in well with the whole ‘dark and edgy’ theme. The checkpoint, cars and the environment together with all check point facilities are reasonably represented, and the animation gives the virtuousness atmosphere. This makes it even better because the sound effects and the background music set the mood of the game in the intense and suspense filled one while performing the duties.
Overall, Contraband Police: Search & Seize creates a feeling of tactical and action packed strategic gameplay that is quite charismatic. The game has very interesting gameplay mechanics well integrated with the created world, that is a grate example of simulation game. It is oriented in detective-style games as well as action-simulating games; therefore, this game will not fail to bring in some kind of fun and challenge.
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