This game is actually very very smooth. The developers really optimized VRChat for Android so well. It also has so many worlds to explore. The graphics are alright not too bad, but not too good either. Honestly, who cares about graphics? I'm not going to criticize it for that; it's decent for an Android game.
However, the main problem is the players. They are cringe, disgusting, and there are so many bad things about them. Let me tell you something: when you join a world, there's a 90% chance you'll find some 6-11 year-old kids with a naked avatar of a fat man. They'll speak loudly with their broken-ass microphones, constantly saying cringe stuff. If you've played the game, you know exactly what I mean. If you hate edgy behavior, this game is DEFINITELY not for you.
There are also so many racists. If you're Black, don't play this game believe me, it can really affect your mental health. The game is full of racists who think saying the n-word is funny. Racism is so common in this game. And not only that, the game is also filled with child predators who don't even get banned. What a shit moderation system. There are so many terrible things about this community.
90% of the people here are either degenerates, wannabe hackers, or narcissists. I'm not saying the game itself is bad it's actually pretty fun but the community is terrible.
Not all players are awful, though. I've met some decent people and had chill conversations with them
If you manage to ignore the terrible players which you shouldn't, but still, if you do then this game is probably one of the best of all time (in my opinion) You should give it a try, and remember, it's still in beta, so there are issues like connection problems, lack of avatars for Android, and some minor problems.
There are more things about this game that I'd like to say, but I don't think I should keep rambling
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