Velvet Lecture - PvP Strategies, Part 1(1/2)

PvP is one of the most important parts of the Infinity Kingdom experience, and every player should be familiar with it. To be successful in PvP, you’ll have to know the game and make smart use of game mechanics to best your opponents. Winning in PvP comes with variety of rewards, and it feels great, too! Today, Velvet the Scholar will be talking about PvP and offering some tips and tricks to help you win.
1. Preparing for Battle
Before going to battle, prepare your lineups on the Troops screen. Your second lineup becomes available when you reach Lv. 8. Your third lineup unlocks at Lv. 15, and your fourth at Lv. 30.
If you select Auto, any troops killed during battle will be automatically replaced to maintain maximum power. If you want to allocate troops differently, you can uncheck Auto, tap Allocate, and enter the number of troops you want each Immortal to lead. Tap Edit Units to change the Immortals or Dragon in this lineup.MilitaryBonuses[b][/b]
Tap the plus sign to view your available Military Bonuses.
One important bonus is the ProtectionBarrier, which temporarily prevents other Lords from attacking your territory.
There are four different ProtectionBarriers, each with different duration: 4 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours, and 3
days. This way you can choose the right barrier for the situation. For example, if another Lord attacks you by surprise, you can use the 4-hour barrier as an emergency defense. If you plan to be offline for a while, you may want to use a longer barrier to keep your castle and resources safe.
Other helpful Military Bonuses include:
You can access your Talents from theLord Info screen. On the Talent screen, you will find both Development and Military Talents. Before going to battle, spend all your Talent Points on Military Talents to maximize your chances of victory.Some of the most important Talents for battle are:
1. Riding Fast: IncreasesMarching Speed by 50%. The faster you reach the enemy castle, the less time
your opponent has to use an item to stop your attack.2. Rank Advancement: You receive double Honor when you win a battle as the attacker. You can store up to 3 of this Talent. This Talent is an excellent way to speed up Honor acquisition and promote yourself to a higher Nobility rank.
3. Might of Longbow: Your back rowImmortals deal 10% more damage when defending. This Talent will give you a huge damage boost when you need to fight off attacking enemies.TeleportingYour Territory[b][/b]
In Infinity Kingdom, any Lord can attack any other Lord, no matter how far away they may be.
But the greater the distance, the longer it takes for the attacking army to reach the defender’s castle. During
this time, the defender might use a Protection Barrier to protect themselves from attack. The defender can also useTerritorial Teleport or Random Teleport to move their territory to a different location and avoid the attack.
So after you choose a target, you should teleport as close to them as possible to minimize the amount of time they have to respond.
Both Random Teleport and Territorial Teleport may be purchased with Gems or Alliance Contribution. Go to the Shop to buy with Gems, or to the Alliance Shop to buy with Alliance Contribution.
Bloody Rage[b][/b]
You cannot teleport or use a ProtectionBarrier while you are in Bloody Rage. You enter Bloody Rage automatically when you send troops out to attack. Bloody Rage lasts 10 minutes. If you attack again while Bloody Rage is on cooldown, its countdown will reset to the full 10 minutes.
Smart Lords will pay close attention to their own Bloody Rage status and that of their opponents. If you are in Bloody Rage, prepared to be attacked. If an enemy is in Bloody Rage, they will be temporarily unable to teleport, making this a good time to attack them.
2. Battle[b][/b]
You can Scout enemies to get information about them before you decide to attack. To scout a player, tap their castle, and then tap Scouton the window that pops up. Scouting costs a specific amount of gold determined by the castle’s distance. Players start the game with only one scout queue. You can unlock one more by exploring Ruins.[b][/b]
When scouting is finished, you receive the Scout Report. The report details the target’s coordinates, wall durability, garrisoned troops, and lootable resources.
You can Garrison troops inside your castle to protect it from enemy attacks. Just tap your castle, then tap
Garrison to choose troops to defend it. When facing a particularly strong enemy, you should choose the lineup with the highest Power to prevent damage to your Prosperity.
If your enemy is too strong, you can request help from your allies. Up to 4 allies at a time may send troops to garrison your castle. While in your castle, tap the Wall and choose Garrison to view details on your defending troops.You should garrison your castle whenever possible. Garrisoned castles lose fewer troops and have fewer
resources plundered when attacked.
If your target is very powerful, you may want to Rally to attack them. Rallying allows allies to join you in the assault. During a rally, attacking players take turns going against the enemy garrison. The player who initiated the rally attacks first. If their entire army is defeated, the second player in the rally then fights the remainder of the garrison. This process continues as each attacker is defeated. Up to 5 players may participate in a rally.
The first rallying player has to fight the full garrison. Each player after that fights the garrison after it has been weakened by the previous players, so the farther back in the queue you are, the less damage you will take.
Rallying is useful if you and your target are relatively close in Troop Power. In this case, rallying can be the difference between victory and defeat. But if your target is much more powerful than you, rallying will not help.
To start a rally, tap the castle you wish to attack, then tap Rally. After choosing the lineup you plan to attack
with, choose a time for the rally: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour. During this time, allies can choose to join the rally from the Alliance War screen.
(To be continued...)
Mentioned games
Good guide, ta :)
1) If i try to garrison castle in relocation city ask me AP. 2) Only the player that start a rally go in rage, all the partecipant can use shield and join it. It's really unfair dynamic.
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