Feedback Awesome game!!

● USA = Let's go to the feedback, well I as many other players have played and the game has huge potential to become top game among many similar, I particularly loved the game and has already won for me top 1! Graphics, history, gameplay, in game merchant system, especially the system of building in game is perfect in terms of diversification. I am a critical player and as I play with the intention of falling in love with the game I confess that 😍 has giant potential to attract and compete with other franchises if ... have not already won this post the game is excellent! In past comments I criticized the lack of (language option in the case English) was very sincere and need to be with regard to the game is also beautiful... In relation to the game what is missing that was what I missed is new skins customizable so I buy skins and with this income I help the project financially
. the developers then congratulations for finally provide us with a game worthy of respect
 ● PT-BR = Vamos ao feedback, bem eu como muitos outros jogadores jogamos e o jogo sim tem potencial imenso para se tornar top game dentre tantos similares, eu particularmente amei o jogo e já conquistou pra mim top 1!! Grafico , historia, jogabilidade, sistema in game merchant principalmente sistema de build in game é perfeito no quesito diversificação. Sou um jogador critico e como jogo com a intenção de me apaixonar pelo game confesso que tem potencial gigante para atrair e concorrer com outras franquias se... já nao ter conquistado esse posto o jogo esta excelente! Em comentários passados critiquei a falta da (opção de linguagem no caso ingles) fui muito sincero e preciso ser com relação ao game estar lindo também... Em relação ao game oque esta faltando que foi oque eu senti falta é skins novas personalizáveis dessa forma eu compro skins e com essa renda eu ajudo o projeto financeiramente.. os desenvolvedores então de parabéns pro nos proporcionar finalmente um jogo digno de respeito
Mentioned games
😏I saw that you only gave one point in the previous comment and I thought you hated it.
never hahahah never hated the game haha, on the contrary I'm in love with the game, I was just disappointed not to play in english myself and many others. I also understand that it was a test...and I look forward to the official release!! ❤
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