My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero Is More Minus Ultra Than Plus Ultra

My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero is an action-packed mobile RPG that features some of the most beloved characters from My Hero Academia. But is it a good game based on the bestselling manga? Spoiler alert: Not Really.
[b]Plus Ultra
Starting the game, I first found it to be a beautiful representation of Kouhei Horikoshi's vision. The sprites looked nice, and the training/leveling up mechanics are fun. I found the battles enjoyable, as I was able to mix and match the combos of my attacks.
The characters also felt that they played differently, with characters like Deku and Kirishima being more attuned to melee, while characters like Kaminari specialize more with ranged combat. You can also make the characters go on full auto, and fight independently as you watch, but where is the fun in that? Their specials and move sets look very nice as well.
[b]Minus Ultra
While I initially had fun with the game, it quickly grew more and more tiresome. The missions felt repetitive, and playing them felt more like a chore as I progressed. To put it simply, both progressing the game, as well as all the grinding, felt more and more boring as I played the game further.
And there's the fact that when you're starting out, you all play as Deku, and don't get to change avatars until later in the game. This meant that things look a bit awkward when the Pro Hero handing out the missions is surrounded by five or six Dekus who all look alike. I mean, I got confused which was my Deku a few times already. Heck, in the screenshot below, I thought my character was the one facing the screen, instead of the one with his back turned.
And while the game and setting do look beautiful, it does have a few bugs, especially on the floor. Sometimes there would just be a black black floor, like it did not load at all, or look like it did not finish rendering. 
Aside from leveling up and fighting villains, there's really nothing much to do, to be honest. If you play the game long enough, you might actually become bored of doing the same things over and over again. I don't get much incentive in trying to get more characters as the game progresses too. It just does not make me want to continue playing it after clearing the overly-long tutorial stage.
[b]Final Verdict:
[/b]Overall, the game still looks beautiful despite having the floor not render completely every now and then. It's also very fun... at the start. Playing it gets stale quite quickly, and I find myself wanting to uninstall it and find a better one. Perhaps more variety in the combat and missions to keep players from leaving? Perhaps more mechanics and incentives, and less repetitiveness no make players actually stay? 
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T Alexander
T Alexander
Buy me a rock What is a good
nice review im still playing and grinding the game and i can confirm that its more minus ultra the plus ultra. the grind is hard when you reach a certain level you have to pay in order to continue playing or grind 2 months just to get past that part. i had to grind those 2 months. so i fully confirm that its more minus ultra the plus ultra.
the one hero who always yells :000000
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