Скриншот видео 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法
Скриншот игры 创造与魔法


HERO Game.
Больше从梦中醒来,发现周围不再是熟悉的房间,映入眼帘的是如天堂般的神秘大陆。 “我这是在哪?” “欢迎来到乌托邦之地——贝雅大陆”,空灵的声音传来,“我是夏夏。” 抬头看,是个飞舞在半空中的小精灵。 “你是被命运徵召的冒险家,在这片传说大陆,一切由你做主,拿上这本手册,开始冒险吧!” 就这样,我开启了一段不可思议的旅程... ❖ 再不建好房子,就会被抓走哟! 夏夏小贴士①——晚上可是会有小恶魔和骷髅怪出现的,没有自己的篝火和房子是十分危险的! “就决定今天建好我们的小屋吧!到处都是木材和石料,加油咯!” 虽然所有人原本都不会砍树、采矿和木工,但是仿佛是这片大陆赐予的魔力,大家都无师自通地掌握了各种技能。木头和石料被运往工作台,加工成木板和石块和石器,一栋二层小楼随着大家洒下的汗水慢慢成型。 夜幕降临,神秘的雾气弥漫开来,果真跟夏夏说的一样,一群眼里闪烁着绿色火焰的小恶魔从迷雾中显露降家园门前的篝火让他们不敢前进一步,终于有了自己的家,这感觉太好了! ❖ 世界那么大,我想和你一起去看看! 夏夏小贴士②——在这个世界真的可以骑龙哟,不过你还是先驯服一匹小马吧! 家园建好后,大家就更迫不及待想要探索这个世界了,那么先准备好饲料吧,这样才能把野外奔驰的马儿带回家哦。胡萝卜和小麦做成的饲料球在小火的烘焙下散发出淡淡的香味,好几匹马儿居然自己主动靠拢过来,轻轻蹭了蹭我们的手,就开心地吃了起来。轻轻跨上马背,任由夕阳在肩头洒落,明天就要向荒野进发咯! ❖ 贝雅最美的风景,是我们并肩战斗! 夏夏小贴士③——越珍贵的宝藏越危险! 坐骑和武器都准备好,再也没有什么可以阻挡我们探险的脚步啦。据说在海岛、森林、沙漠和雪山里都有创世神遗留的宝藏,现在都被怪兽和妖精守卫着,想想就很刺激呢! 往北走了大约半天,一片残垣断壁出现在视野中,一群骷髅怪在废墟中游荡,废墟的中央有一个闪着金光的宝箱。战斗瞬间爆发,看似脆弱的骷髅兵却力大无穷,好在我们铸造的盔甲和武器十分精良,配合默契,最终战胜了它们。打开宝箱,一颗发出柔和圣光的宝石浮现出来,似乎在治愈着我们的伤痛。 ❖ 一起做喜欢的事 我爬上过最偏远的遗迹,也曾航行到最浪漫的心形岛,甚至斩下过巨龙的牙齿,见证并创造了一个个奇迹,但我依然需要伙伴,一起做喜欢的事,你要一起来吗?我的世界欢迎你! 联系我们 客诉邮箱:[email protected]

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Игроки говорят...

  • 👍️ Fancy effects and good combat mechanics make the game enjoyable.
  • 🎨️ Beautiful graphics and player-driven world-building enhance the experience.
  • 🐛️ Silk worms drop rate is very low, making it hard to craft outfits.



How to update it, i cant play before update
Plsss update this game to up-to-date.....
Robert William JR
I'm a Vietnamese player.. I can't recharge the game.. so I asked the intermediary to load money into the game for me... I didn't do anything, let you lock my account..
Hoài Vĩnh Triệu
i have played this game before and now i want to play again
Chuong Le
i playing game
The game is overall 11/10 But The Problem is Its not avalible For Pakistan My Request To The Kind Makers Please Launch It In pakistan
Ibraheem Khan
Been years playing this game. Good map exploring, graphics and gameplay. Many monsters to tame, can build our own home and tribe, farming and dairy, good when playing with friends It was great at beginning of the game released. Nowdays it's so good they updated more map to explore and add more fitures, put more guide for players and many costumes in home and character. However, sadly the events rarely come nowdays even it didn't come like in months. Even if the events come it gives less rewards than the old days we have. In old days so many events with great rewards for both payed and nonpayed players both still get the fair deal with the game but today most are payed. Even the luck in gacha lucky  are drained.
So the game use to be available were I lived but now I can't download it from play store and even if I get from tap tap when I open the game it says there update or something like that I don't speak chinese or japanese oh and it been like only 2 years only 2 years sens the game was removed or unpublished from my country
Abdelkader Mokran
Hey, gamers! It’s Monday, 2023/05/22. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 10 survival games of Week21 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play. Kicking off at number 10, we have Utopia: Origin, a survival game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.

Top 10 survival Games of the Week on TapTap | Week21 2023

Charles Lai
Hey, gamers! It’s Monday, 2023/04/24. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 10 survival games of Week17 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play. Kicking off at number 10, we have Utopia: Origin, a survival game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.

Top 10 survival Games of the Week on TapTap | Week17 2023

Charles Lai