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The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手 遊戲截圖
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手

The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手

Alda Games
更多ZOMBIES!!殭屍末日之後的世界殘酷無比。生在其中,你必須鬥爭才能生存,與各種各樣的殭屍、土匪和危險的怪獸首領戰鬥。在這個免費的移動FPS/RPG遊戲中,你將踏上重要的故事征途和許多支線征程,升級你的技能和特權,買賣裝備,與幸運或不幸的倖存者交流。 生存類角色扮演遊戲和第一人稱射擊遊戲 Walking Zombie 2是一款卓越的復古型第一人稱射擊遊戲,具有故事主線、數十個任務以及包含各類武器的大量射擊元素 - 你還可以離線玩這個遊戲,無需網路连接。你的主要敵人是已經主宰世界的殭屍。他們無所不在,類型多樣,最終要的是數量眾多。你要使用配備不同彈藥的槍械、手雷或格鬥武器了結他們。同時,你可以用急救包和食物治愈自己。隨著你完成的任務越來越多,你的角色會越發強大,擁有更精良的裝備、加強的技能和增益的特權。你會獲得更多生命值嗎?更高的開鎖獲獎概率?或者在行經世界各地的時候降低油耗?你將如何限制死者對世界的影響? 特色 *好玩的復古型末日後單人第一人稱射擊 *極具吸引力的現代多邊形圖形風格 *因果報應系統 - 行為的善與惡產生新的選項和遭遇 *數十個故事和支線任務 *海量武器、防護裝備和其他裝備 - 打造自己的生存陣容 *離線生存遊戲 *遊戲開放世界部分的可選製作和建造 *武器皮膚 *各種各樣的敵人 - 殭屍步行者,土匪和巨大的變異首領 *定居點的貿易商 *你可以完成殭屍獵人王牌的可選任務 *汽車和卡車 - 比步行快,你還可以在卡車中存儲更多來自死者的戰利品! *有趣的迷你游戲 故事:有著悲情過往的天選之子 你的故事開頭如此悲劇,結局能否圓滿?你出生之時的周圍環境,決定了你是唯一可以拯救世界的人。你對把人和動物變成殭屍的病毒免疫。這也讓你成為對抗星球上的不死高手的完美武器,而且是美好明天的希望象徵。每個角落都潛伏著危險,你與在征途中結識的朋友一起,探索你的身世真相,尋找創造解藥方法。 不斷擴展的3D殭屍射擊遊戲 我們仍在努力為遊戲開發新內容。更多故事情節,你可以在其中探索危險的殭屍前線,努力使世界變得更加美好和宜居。我們致力於開發新機制,因此你可以在自己所購房屋的加工桌上製作汽油和彈藥等生存物品。另外,你的打擊目標不僅僅是死者,因為您的行動可能引發某些倖存者的仇恨 - 土匪、腐敗的政客、邪教分子、幫派等。殭屍時代還在繼續,但是利用武器庫中的新工具,你能夠承受!


107 個評分
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  • 📱️ 適合低配置手機的遊戲。
  • 🎮️ 結合了開放世界探索、製作和生存元素,內容豐富。
  • 📺️ 廣告太多,影響遊戲體驗。



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The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
Very legendary game like this thanks to the crator of the g
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
The walking dead: the game is the second instalment in the walking dead video game franchise. The second section of this game was constructed using a different context than the first. The plot revolves around a newborn who, against all odds, has managed to live through the zombie apocalypse. One of the most well-known arcade games is called "the walking dead, " and its objective is to stay alive while avoiding being eaten by zombies. In this game, you will have to engage in combat with zombies. On the play store, the game has over 10 million downloads. The video game walking zombies 2 takes place in a world that has been devastated by an apocalyptic event. A nd in the game, you are the one that made it through the zombie apocalypse unscathed. Despite the fact that you survived the apocalypse, the character you play in the game has to contend with extremely hostile landscapes and environments that are fraught with peril. Within the game, the organisation that serves as the government is working very hard to find a solution to this problem in any manner that they can.

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The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
One of the best games out there. I swear I haven't put much more time and effort to a game like this because it's much more enjoyable and how good the story is also. To be honest, I've played a lot of video ads just for the in game currency but it's worth it for this game mates.
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
This is a absolutely brilliant game with indulging graphics, cool story and nice gameplay that somehow reminds me of warzone. It a game that's absolutely worth one's while.

'The Walking Zombie 2: Shooter' review

The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
The game is one of the best game out there, bit sadly... I bought a new phone but I can't transfer my game Data to my new phone that's mean I need to start over again, I am very sad right now, all the efforts I did was not gone 😩
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
The Walking Zombie 2:殭屍射手
this is a great game and has a lot to do. it has loads of guns, many locations. the animation is nice and before I discovered the game a few years ago I had never seen a game like this animated this way. I'd stop playing the game until updates came out, but i eventually total finished it. for the not so great things, which are very few and not serious: The ads are really overwhelming, suffocating even. There are SO many ads! You can remove them with a purchase and it's really worth it. It's a great game, and if you don't the amount of ads is so much that it's almost unplayable haha. The ads is kind of a neutral thing, the game is worth the money and you can buy it to remove the ads. Some other areas of improvement: there is no voice acting! that's disappointing because people talk a lot in this game and it would be a lot more interesting if there were actual voices. the writing for the game, in both plot and things the characters say, is really silly and sort-of dumb a lot of the time. there was a lot of work put into this game so I'm not sure why there was almost no effort in that area. pricing of items in the game is also pretty nuts. you can save forever and you might be able to buy a good item or two, but unless you spend real money on items, you're stuck with what you pick up and you will extremely rarely pick up guns. towards the end of the game I'd you haven't spent actual money on gear you will have a hard time getting through some things, and the in game purchases are ridiculous. like 15USD for one gun and some ammo. that's not really reasonable. the open world area is fun for a little while but it feels a bit underdeveloped and unless you spend unreasonable amounts of real money there's not much that can be done there and even if you do there just isn't much to do. without a story to drive you and no multiplayer there just isn't any reason I can think of to build a town in the open world when only you go there and there's nothing to do there but continue gathering resources. i was also really disappointed with the ending of the game which was not very exciting for being the end of such a long and fun game.