首頁>遊戲>孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
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孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes 遊戲截圖
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes

孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes

Netease Games Global
更多《Ride Out Heroes》震撼來襲!首創多職業吃雞玩法,打造3D魔幻RPG吃雞新體驗!全新3D魔幻大世界即將登場,英雄職業技能體系全面革新,帶給玩家更自由的戰術選擇,鍛造、捉迷藏、坐騎、死亡復活等多種創新玩法,將顛覆傳統吃雞體驗! 五大首發英雄,技能自由搭配,隱身、突進、控制、傷害無所不能! 全新魔幻世界,多種族地形植被,指尖上的視覺盛宴;豐富的武器,鍛造系統,助你火力全開;隨身恐龍坐騎,一鍵召喚策馬奔騰!不再落地成盒,死亡化身小萌龍,堅持就能原地複活!更有“捉迷藏”等著你,小心那些石頭、樹木,可能它們就是「敵人」的化身!魔幻趣味吃雞,緊張刺激血脈噴張!組隊語音開黑,決戰天命圈! !


453 個評分



孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
Sayang game nya dihapus
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
Im so 😡 that I didn't play this after getting my new phone
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
I am waiting this game in India
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
I don't know why they shut down such a good game, I used to really like games from NetEase, but now it seems like their games have become boring with no games listed here. If you know the reason they shut down this game, please tell me in the comments.

The best netease game that they have shut down 😔

Please I need this game because is so fun
Paleka Tauhalaliku
all these games that continue to come out, from Call of Duty, to Indus(or however it’s spelled), to Any and every battle royal shooting games that have came out recently or plan to be released… IM SORRY BUT NONE OF THEM COMPARE OR WILL EVER COMPARE TO THE KING OF THEM ALL… RIDE OUT HEROES… you are sorely missed even now… 2years later, and still nothing compares to that game. And the way NetEase just dropped it like they did, along with Creative Destruction is so sad. They let a fantastically wondiferous amazing game get cancelled for no real reason. And didn’t give a good reason why either. I’m pretty sure I know why, they were going to get their ass handed to them with getting sued over it. I mean sure, it was obviously stolen from Realm Royal. The map the different classes of characters, even the little dragon you become… but GOD DAMN IT, it was such a great game. They really had something special with that. They took the real royal concept and made it there own and it was amazing. From the characters they had, to keeping everything pretty well balanced and fair with abilities and weapons. I had so many fun times playing that game… #1 ranked Tesla for season 2 through 8. No one could touch me in my flippers and snorkel. As I rode away on my jetski or boat 😭😭😭😭 Bunch of assholes you are NetEase. Thanks for canning that game to bring us such amazing hits since. Like…….. oh wait, there are none… #bringbackrideout

Better then ALL the rest

孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
Please bring back my ROH😭😭👍👍👍
_ Nanaa
Net easy trás o jogo de voltaaaaaa
Jean Silva
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
孤島先鋒 Ride Out Heroes
:(why u deleted this game netease
Fathir Arsya
I really want this game it's game play is so good and high graphics and alot of characters please download this game