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Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG 遊戲截圖
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG

Evil Lands: Online Action RPG

Rage Quit Games LLC
更多你是否有足夠的能耐在與邪惡的對抗中取勝?消滅躲藏在《Evil Lands》中的怪物、巨龍和 Boss,成為人民的英雄!最令人著迷的魔幻角色扮演手機遊戲已經來臨。選擇你的角色並完成任務,加入各路英雄豪傑的隊伍,共同消滅可怕的怪物。探索魔法世界,征伐地下城般的森林,磨煉你的技巧,成為有史以來最英勇的戰士!兩種模式供你挑戰:合作模式和 PVP 模式。與你的好友共同參與遊戲,更有來自世界各地的朋友陪你一起征戰! - 即時在線多人 RPG - 精緻的 3D 畫面 - 角色職業、升級、技能、戰利品和各色物品 - 大量地圖和引人入勝的任務 - 合作與 PVP 雙模式 即時在線多人遊戲 邀請你的朋友,共同踏上征途!你可以遇見來自世界各地的玩家,與他們並肩作戰或是展開激烈的角逐。一場圍繞戰爭與魔法的奇幻冒險等待著你!劍刃、斧頭、弓箭、法杖,選擇最適合你的武器,消滅擋在道路上的一切怪物。 精美畫面 這款 RPG 遊戲擁有主機遊戲般的精美畫面,讓你身臨其境,流連忘返。戰鬥之餘拍上一些優美的照片,感受這個世界的美好,何樂而不為!或許,你還能捕獲一條巨龍?史上畫面最精美的手機 MMORPG 魔幻動作遊戲等你來戰! 角色自訂 你想扮演甚麼身份?英勇無畏的戰士,精通魔法的巫師,還是神秘莫測的刺客?戰利品系統能夠讓你在征討地下城的過程中找到珍貴的寶藏。升級你的屬性,學習新的技能,收集你的裝備,在這場與邪惡較量的戰爭中成為最偉大的英雄。拿起你的戰斧,加入戰鬥,把所有 Boss 消滅乾淨! 多種地圖和任務 從雲雀曠野到暗影島,在這片飽受折磨的中世紀王國中完成任務,對抗邪惡與黑暗。引人入勝的任務劇情使這款史詩級動作遊戲內容更加豐富多彩,不只是簡單的斬斬殺殺! 兩種遊戲模式 在合作模式中,與其他玩家組隊征討邪惡的怪物,沉浸在史詩級的戰鬥之中。這將幫助你戰勝僅憑一己之力根本無法戰勝的 Boss 和巨龍。如果你想要更加驚心動魄的體驗,試試 PVP 戰鬥模式吧。與其他玩家組隊或是相互對抗,看看究竟誰能夠統治《Evil Lands》! 《Evil Lands》最低系統要求: - Android 5.1.1 或更高 - 2 GB 記憶體 - 支持 OpenGL ES 3.0


161 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • ⚔️️ 戰鬥機制相當流暢。
  • 📱️ 遊戲適合低配置手機,並且有不錯的圖形。
  • 😕️ UI不夠賞心悅目,文字過小難以閱讀。



Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
Great co-op monster killing game. Not bad pvp as well, just hope they improve the pvp + somehow make the game more team based. But overall good game
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
it’s simple but user friendly and it doesn’t do everything for you. You have to consider your build and be willing to work with others (there isn’t a team system, but there also isn’t a kill-steal function, so it works)
IT look better then what I have played
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
EVILL LANDS - Review l How to play basics l Graphics max 1080P60FPS l No commentory Name of the game ✿ Evil Lands Supported languages ✿ English Category ✿ Mobile Games, Online Games Game genre ✿ Role Playing , MMORPG , Competitive Can be downloaded in the app ✿ Play Store , App Store Game file size ✿ 213 MB File size after installation ✿ 740 MB Supported mobile version ✿ Android 5.1 or higher Using the internet to play ✿ use


♛ MAY ✞
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
For a mobile 3rd person view point MMO, it's good. I was getting tired of the overhead 4th person view point MMOs. Im happy i found tthis game.
Seth Huddleston
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
Hello, let's play a cool game for you to have fun and make friends in the game, install the EVIL LANDS RPG from the playstore, my ID: 8092365 this number you find me, add me there if you want help in the missions, It will be good for you to test to see if your cell phone can handle this game. Try it on the playstore, let's play I'll help you 😏✌🏼😁
Marcoss Mello
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
Hello guys, when you can on the weekend, let's play a cool game to have fun and make friends in the game, install EVIL LANDS RPG from the playstore just search your cell phone app, my ID: 8092365 this number you find me, add me there if you want help in the missions, it will be good for you to test to see if your cell phone can handle this game. Try it on the playstore, let's play I'll help you for sure 😏✌🏼😁
Marcoss Mello
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
Evil Lands: Online Action RPG
the game itself  isn't bad, but it isn't great either, it's definitely lacking in a lot of stuff like character creater, there's no  trading system there's a incredibly small drop rate of equipment/weapons in ANY mob, around lvl 15 you start having to  defeat bosses that have twice as much health and do WAAYYY more DMG than you, you either kill the boss with a friend, or try to cheese kill it, but since the community in this game is basically non existent your just gonna have to try to lvl up or cheese it.

Okay but not great

Jerren Baltazarr
Visually Impressive Mobile Games

Visually Impressive Mobile Games

EdugamesBR 146
Evil Lands : Online Action RPG - Gameplay Walkthrough | Part 1 (Android, iOS)

Evil Lands : Online Action RPG - Gameplay Walkthrough | Part 1 (Android, iOS)
