Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels 遊戲截圖
Idle Angels

Idle Angels

更多4 週年震撼來襲!女神換新裝! 女神帶你體驗刺激的慾望體驗! ■4週年福利加碼 登錄就送 150 抽! 連續登錄再送全新SSR女神! 新手玩家也能快速成長! ■全球數百位神話角色 組建最強戰隊,帶領女神大殺四方! 越升級越美麗!女神們期待你的邂逅! ■一隻手指即可暢玩 一鍵升級、一鍵裝備,戰力Up Up! 不肝不氪,掛機就能獲得頂級裝備! ■快樂停不下來 跨服對戰,與全球玩家一較高下! 多種副本,暢享戰鬥快感! 每月更新,小遊戲玩不停! 立即下載,開啓華麗之旅,暢享 4 週年的繽紛盛宴吧! 【官方社區】 您可以通過以下官方渠道了解幻想寶貝的最新訊息 Facebook:🔗link Discord:🔗link Reddit:🔗link 【官方客服】 [email protected] ◆ 機器最低規格 Android OS 5.1以上


124 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 👍️ 遊戲擁有友好社群、開發團隊積極回應問題,且無隨機障礙阻礙進程。
  • 🎮️ 提供豐富的PvP和GvG模式、策略深度而非複雜度,及所有活動對免費玩家友好。
  • 👎️ 遊戲機制和平衡完全失衡,95%的玩家已退出,僅剩機器人和少數玩家。



Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Idle Angels
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Idle Angels
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Idle Angels
【Update Time】10:30-17:30 October 10, 2022 (UTC+8) 【Update Servers】All servers Idle Angels all servers will update during 10:30-17: 30(UTC+8) on October 10, 2022.  All servers will be updated one by one. You cannot login normally during that time. Due to the refresh problem of App Store, there will be a certain delay in the update time of the client. When the update is not performed, some functions will be unavailable in IOS system, which can be solved after the update is completed.

🔔 4.25.0 Update Announcement

Idle Angels
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Idle Angels
1️⃣ Wishing Well Event - September 23th 00:00 to September 29th 23:59, 2022 (server time) - Participation conditions: Player reaches Lv.20 - During this event, players can obtain Wish Stone by completing event quests or purchasing event packs. Consuming wishing stones to win the wishing prize, which includes T3 Magic Stone Optional Chest, Lv.12 Gem Pouch, SSR+ Angels' Relic Optional Chest, 5 Star Angel Credit and etc.

Upcoming Events

Idle Angels
【Update Time】10:30-17:00 September 19, 2022 (UTC+8) 【Update Servers】All servers Idle Angels all servers will update during 10:30-17:00(UTC+8) on September 19. All servers will be updated one by one. You cannot login normally during that time. Due to the refresh problem of App Store, there will be a certain delay in the update time of the client. When the update is not performed, some functions will be unavailable in IOS system, which can be solved after the update is completed.

4.24.0 Update Announcement

Idle Angels
1. Eudemons Hunting Event - September 2nd 00:00 to September 8th 23:59, 2022 (server time) - Participation Conditions: Players have to unlock the gameplay of [Chaos Realm] first -  Event Content: During this event, players can obtain [Arrows] through event quests and event packs. By attacking monsters with arrows, you can get rewards and Hunting Points, which can be used to exchange rare items such as [Elemental Stone] to summon Series Eudemons.

Upcoming Events

Idle Angels
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Idle Angels
1. Wonder Waken - August 19th 00:00 to August 25th 23:59, 2022 (server time) - Open at Lv.60 - It includes the following events: ---Wonder Witness: During this event, you can get multiple rewards by signing in. ---Wonder Limited Summon: During this event, reaching a certain summon times to get rewards like Superior Summon Scrolls, etc. ---Wonder Trial: Challenging the Boss [UR+ Hera] and dealing a certain amount of damage to unlock stage rewards. After the event ends, rewards based on the Zone ranking will be sent out.

Upcoming Events

Idle Angels