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符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra 遊戲截圖
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra

符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra

Riot Games, Inc
更多以英雄聯盟宇宙為背景,在《符文大地傳說》策略卡牌遊戲中,你需要技巧一流、天馬行空、腦力全開才可以克敵制霸。召集你的英雄陣容,組合不同區域的卡牌,利用其獨有的戰鬥風格和戰略優勢,打造遇神殺神、佛擋殺佛的完美牌組。 傳奇英雄:從英雄聯盟出身的經典角色,以及來自符文大地世界的全新角色,皆以栩栩如生的精緻細節,攜手與你躍上戰場。 技巧至上:愛你所選的同時也要冒點風險。每一個動作都至關重要,如何擊垮敵人全看你! 跟盲抽說掰掰:隨遊戲進行贏得新卡,或者直接在商店裡購買你想要的特定卡牌。一手掌握你的心愛收藏,永遠不必課金盲抽。 花招隨你出:組合、調整、不斷嘗試頻繁推陳出新的卡牌,暢玩變化多端的遊戲元素。 響應機制:攻守互換的玩法,代表你永遠有機會響應敵方行動,或者藉此反擊(不過你的對手也行!) 絕一死戰:與好友單挑,給他好看;或在積分對戰中跟陌生人宣戰。甚至踏上一場遠征,在途中招募你的牌組。 探索符文大地:踏遍符文大地的壯麗宇宙,揭開區域裡屬民、生物和危險事件的神祕關聯。 在《符文大地傳說》裡,你可以從24張英雄卡牌中精挑細選,加入自己的牌組。每位英雄都身具獨特的屬性機制,而且技能皆由英雄聯盟本傳中變化而來。 英雄是戰鬥中的強勢牌卡,如果你靈活運用,他們會升級進化,成為更強大的存在。 獲得全新技能,克敵制霸。使出精彩組合技,扭轉局勢。你甚至可以打破規則,出奇制勝。 英雄卡牌是建立牌組所不可或缺的。但要擊潰敵方主堡,你需要的是團隊合作。細心挑選適合支援英雄的盟友,以快速升級、主導牌局。 眾多輔助卡牌任你挑選。你會看到熟悉的面孔,也會遇到素未謀面的嶄新角色。 遊戲中的每一個角色和卡牌都來自符文大地的一個區域。一開始,你可以挑選來自以下六個區域的卡牌:蒂瑪西亞、諾克薩斯、弗雷爾卓德、皮爾托福&佐恩、愛歐尼亞,以及闇影島。 每個區域都有獨一無二的對戰風格和戰略優勢,嘗試把來自兩個區域的卡牌混搭組合,戰局會變得更有趣!每個牌組都有自己的態度和風格,不過要使用哪些卡牌來漂亮取勝,完全取決於你。 通往勝利的道路不只一種。發揮創意吧!要借助哪些卡牌的力量來建立牌組,完全是你的自由,獲得卡牌的方法也是如此! 《符文大地傳說》可以免費遊玩。不論勝敗,每局對戰都能累積經驗、加速升級。挑選你最想探索的區域,解鎖你心儀的卡牌,也可以隨心所欲變更區域。你會在遊歷大地的旅程中收集到新的盟友、法術和英雄。讓你建立多套牌組不是夢。 每個星期,你都能在寶庫中解鎖寶箱。隨著你不斷遊玩,寶箱的等級也會提升,其中的卡牌將越來越稀有,從普通階級步步高升到英雄!你還能在寶箱裡發現萬用牌,它可以變成你想要的任何一張卡牌,不用再盲抽了!用形形色色的新卡牌來充實牌組,找到專屬於你的戰鬥風格,塑造你獨有的致勝戰略。隨著收藏日漸增多,牌組就有越多的變化。 不久,你就可以出發遠征,並在路途中招募理想的牌組,靠著持續進化的卡牌,打敗一個又一個強敵。 也不妨到積分賽局中,測試自己的戰略實力,和符文大地的強者們一較高下。 前往偉大的方向,由你決定。從英雄到戰鬥、從區域到響應,你的每一次選擇,都是成為傳奇的契機。 支援: 隱私權政策: 🔗link 使用條款:🔗link 預先註冊活動後,Riot保留隨時修改遊戲版本及其內容之權利; Riot亦保留延後或取消遊戲發表的權利,無須擔負相關責任。同時,本遊戲可由Riot Games、其關係企業或第三方組織發行。


1.4K 個評分



符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
ONE OF THE BEST OUT THERE. There's like a thousand builds out there but Riot still adds these new mechanics into the game. If you're not there for the PvP, then there's this addictive ROUGELIKE mode too! Can't get bored here really.
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
The best Card Game for mobile in my opinion. Hearthstone has nothing on this game! The UI, Controls, and even the gameplay is fun. They develop more modes to play and even rotate modes every month. It's far less P2W than almost every other card game on both mobile and PC comparatively. It sounds like I'm gushing about it but it really is just that good in my opinion.
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
Best card game for me and the lore behind it. League of legends lore is damn good and this game contains canonical references to it. 🔥🔥🔥
Hey, gamers! It’s Monday, 2023/05/22. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 10 card games of Week21 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play. Kicking off at number 10, we have Pokemon TCG Online, a card game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.

Top 10 card Games of the Week on TapTap | Week21 2023

Charles Lai
Hey, gamers! It’s Monday, 2023/04/24. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 10 card games of Week17 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play. Kicking off at number 10, we have Pokemon TCG Online, a card game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.

Top 10 card Games of the Week on TapTap | Week17 2023

Charles Lai
Free fire 🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤔

Free fire 🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤔

The Olympics esports games suck; here are the five games they should feature instead

The Olympics esports games suck; here are the five games they should feature instead

Jay Hunter
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
Personally, I was not able to get into this game. Don't get me wrong, this game is very well designed and gameplay is quite good, but it wasn't my thing. (I will try to keep my bias out of the rest of the review) Pros:      Gameplay is very organized and there is not much luck involved (take this as you will)      The graphics in LoR are stunning      Sound effects are designed nicely and match what you are seeing
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
Some are old but uninstalled, one was old but was discontinued, others were great but too high specs are ecommended, some are paid. And The first ones is the reason im waking up everyday.


Mark Laguitan
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
符文大地傳說:Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra is the best digital card game I’ve ever played. I say that boldly and confidently as someone who’s spent over five years dabbling in Hearthstone, and most of my life before that playing classic physical card games like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon, and Vanguard. After spending so much time and money on Hearthstone in particular, it pains me to admit that Riot Games has created a better digital card game than Blizzard. But even I know when to concede a match that’s already been lost.

The Peak of Card Game Excellence - Legends of Runeterra Review

Jay Hunter