Postknight 2 的影片截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2 遊戲截圖
Postknight 2

Postknight 2

更多化身郵騎士實習生,展開你的冒險。你的使命就是闖蕩廣闊的稜鏡世界,將貨品遞交到形形色色的人手中! 這個奇幻世界有著無盡**、炙熱沙地、繽紛綠野、擎天高山等不同景色。唯有勇者中的勇者,有膽量闖蕩其中。在這款冒險角色扮演遊戲中踏上旅程,並打擊途中遭遇的敵人和怪物。你能成為英雄嗎?來試試你的本事吧! 個人化玩法風格 怎麼遊玩,盡其在你。遊戲中有超過80款武器技能特質,讓你隨心所欲嘗試。你可以調整玩法風格,搭配出你喜愛的組合!從長劍、盾牌、匕首到鎚子,每款武器都各有所長,你想選用哪一種來陪你冒險呢? 奇特的武器裝備 在不同城鎮旅行時,你有機會蒐集到各式防具與武器,還可以加以升級並穿戴使用。將等級升到最高,充分解放裝備的潛力,並換上你喜愛的外觀吧! 有趣的人物對話 在稜鏡世界旅行時,你會遇到不同地區的種族,例如好學的精靈、強悍的人類、狡詐的類人生物、先進的龍人等等。依據你選擇的對話回答,你有可能得知更多資訊,也可能毫無斬獲,後續情節也會因此受到影響。別擔心,選錯也不會造成無可挽回的災難……吧。 契合的浪漫感情 在旅程中尋找契合的對象。結識形形色色的角色並共譜回憶,例如惹人操心的弗林特、貼心的摩柑、害羞的珮蘿、不擅社交的贊德等等。你和對方距離拉得越近,對方就越容易對你敞開心扉。和摯友一起展開冒險,蒐集約會的點點滴滴,並進一步瞭解對方的喜惡。 豐富的自訂選項 超過150種角色自訂選項與時裝物品,供你變換著裝風格。換上不同類型的打扮,搭配你每一天的冒險旅程吧。 可愛的寵物夥伴 忠誠的夥伴或會陪著你一起冒險,一起戰鬥!10餘種寵物都有其獨特的個性,等著你來收養:淘氣的泳圈水怪、怕生的塔努奇、愛玩的皮普豬、霸氣的劍齒貓等等。如果寵物心情好,還會提供強化效果做為謝禮喔! 全新內容! 精彩內容多更多!後續大型更新還會推出全新區域!另外也會開放更多郵騎士玩家之間的線上互動選項,以及全新故事、羈絆角色、敵人、裝備等。郵騎士冒險會越來越豐富,敬請期待。 在這款休閒角色扮演遊戲中化身為郵騎士,踏上你專屬的旅程。勇闖危險四伏的路徑,迎戰敵人,並將貨物送到稜鏡世界各個角落的可愛人物手中!現在就下載《Postknight 2》,開始你的送件冒險! 遊玩《Postknight 2》的裝置建議保留至少4GB RAM的儲存空間。在未達建議規格的裝置上遊玩,可能會影響你的遊戲體驗。 如果想透過遊戲內建功能分享螢幕擷取畫面,請勾選這兩項授權。 • READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE • WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE


73 個評分



Postknight 2
Postknight 2
Cute. Vertical. Not my jam.

Post Knight 2

Postknight 2
Postknight 2
The style of the game is really great. Each of the characters has their own stories which make the game great. Every time you change weapon, your abilities will change and the growth of your abilities is non-linear. There are different regions to explore and to experience their cultures. Overall, the gameplay is simple and easy, story-wise it's good, the character design are great and it really fits the aesthetics of the game.
Postknight 2
Postknight 2
I must say Postknight 2 is a cute little RPG-lite game. The shift in art style from the original game initially turned me off, but it has grown on me. Adds a variety of additional entertaining mechanics of the original game, so if you loved the first one, I'm sure you'll enjoy this one even more. However, I can't give it 5 stars right now because the game "hitches" quite frequently, especially during menu transitions and loading new locations. It will occasionally hitch during combat, which is a little annoyance in an otherwise enjoyable game.
Postknight 2
Postknight 2
It's definitely a 10/10, even though I've never played Postknight 1. Just looking at the graphics makes me feel very fresh, solid and lovely. Yes, the game did not disappoint me, smooth graphics and gameplay, no need for complicated tutorials and mechanics, it's easy to get started. As I played for a while, I unlocked the twin dagger and saw the different styles of attack. I also felt that this game would have a lot of potential for adding more weapons and attack styles or moves later on.
Postknight 2
Postknight 2
I really like the cartoon style of this game. The NPCs in this casual adventure game are very enthusiastic. Each character has his or her own story. Different weapons can change your skills, and the growth of your abilities depends on your choice. Keep exploring different regions and experience their unique cultures. I love this game!
📮It's time to deliver happiness, Postknight! Meet and deliver mail to all kinds of people in Postknight 2, the sequel to an award-winning Mobile RPG loved by more than 10 million players! A new adventure awaits in the lands of Prism, with old pals to meet and new acquaintances to make! Enroll into the Postknight Organisation and embark on exciting journeys of friendships and bonds!
Postknight 2 Will Launch on December 2

Postknight 2 Will Launch on December 2

TapTap Editor