魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 的影片截圖
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魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記 遊戲截圖
更多召喚師們!即刻啟程,創造專屬於你的冒險篇章吧! 全新MMORPG鉅作《魔靈召喚:克羅尼柯戰記》 《夏日盛典狂歡活動開跑!》 - 小奈拉卡的大冒險活動! 《全新神話團戰BOSS潘圖里奧登場!》 擊敗全新BOSS,獲得特別獎勵! 《 遊戲介紹 》 ■ 頂尖對決,爭取勝利的榮耀! 運用各種華麗技能與屬性,打造專屬戰略! 感受緊張刺激的戰鬥體驗,爭取最終榮耀! ■ 與召喚師出生入死的好夥伴 - 魔靈 400多種擁有職業且極具特色的魔靈 一起刻劃下史詩級的冒險回憶! ■ 深刻的故事劇情,拉赫王國將由你來守護! 為了守護和平而挺身對抗克拉寇之王-泰弗的陰謀, 挑戰並擊敗各路強大的首領吧! ■ 驚人的自由度與充滿挑戰的冒險世界 到PVP對戰系統「競技場」與高手切磋實力! 召集夥伴挑戰「公會據點戰」邁向頂尖公會! 擊敗蜂擁而來的怪物征服「地下城」獲得獎勵! 加入克羅尼柯戰記,展開無限的冒險吧! *** [行動裝置應用程式存取權限說明] 為提供更好的使用體驗,使用應用程式時,將會詢問是否同意提供以下存取權限。 1. (選擇性) 儲存空間(照片/媒體/文件):儲存/下載遊戲數據的相關權限。 - 適用Android 12以下版本 2. (選擇性) 通知:發布應用程式服務相關通知的權限。 3. (選擇性) 附近裝置:為了於部分裝置中使用藍牙的相關權限。 - BLUETOOTH: Android API 30之前的裝置 - BLUETOOTH_CONNECT: Android 12 ※ 即使不同意授予該存取權限,您仍可正常使用上述相關權限以外的其他所有功能。 [訪問權限設置] 同意訪問權限後,仍可再次重新設定或取消該訪問權限。 1. Android 6.0以上:手機設定 > 選擇應用程式 > 選擇同意或取消訪問權限 2. Android 6.0以下:升級作業系統後取消訪問權限,或直接刪除應用程式 ※ Android 6.0以下作業系統將無法個別設定可選訪問權限,建議您將系統升級至6.0以上。 • 支援語言:한국어, English, 日本語, 简体中文, 繁體中文, Deutsch, Français, Русский, Español, Português, Bahasa Indonesia, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, Italiano • 本遊戲為遊戲內道具收費,根據道具的種類,收費及退款方式有所不同。 • 本遊戲的使用和相關條款可在遊戲中或Com2uS官網中確認。 - 服務條款:🔗link - 隱私權政策:🔗link • 遊戲相關諮詢:請至HIVE客服1:1 (🔗link > 客服中心 > 諮詢) • 最低規格:RAM 4GB *** - 官方品牌網站:🔗link - 官方論壇:🔗link - 官方YouTube頻道:🔗link@com2us_tw


275 個評分



TOP 25 Best NEW Android & iOS Games W/ Controller Support of 2023! [Offline/Online]

TOP 25 Best NEW Android & iOS Games W/ Controller Support of 2023! [Offline/Online]

Summoners War: Chronicles has been out for a few weeks, and already Com2uS has released the game's first significant update. In addition to expanding the Celestial Attribute Towers and adding more in-game events, the most recent update to the MMORPG adds new monsters and game types. This update adds five brand-new game modes in all. Up to 24 players can join the Guild Lobby for combat in Guild Raid. A new course can be accessible after completing the previous one, and awards are given according to the level reached, contribution rank, and an end-of-season bonus.

Summoners War: Chronicles releases first major post-launch update and it is brimming with content

TapTap News
Installed this coz it's different. Well different to me as I've never played a Summoners War title. It's very good. Well polished with a great introduction to the world. Unfortunately Nikke and CoD are my mains. With Higan and Honkai dropping soon I just won't have time so I'm not going to get attached to this. I wish I had more time as this is really well made

Summoners War Chronicles

I recently had the pleasure of playing Summoners War Chronicles, and for the most part, I enjoyed my time in this game. Gameplay wise you can pick between 3 different classes. That are sadly gender locked... It's 2023, can we ditch gender locks already? And from those 3 classes you have a healer, mage and a tank class. I chose the mage class, and it seemed pretty fun. There is 4 skills you can use, and an ultimate skill. And the weapon of the mage can be swapped to a different weapon of a different element. In the beginning, the game tricks you into thinking there is no auto pathing or auto questing. But I was not surprised when the prompt came up telling me I could know auto quest in the game.

Summoners War Chronicles - A SUMMONERS WAR MMO!?

Sora Synn
Played it for 10 minutes, then deleted,not Very Interest
This game is impressive to me, because, it's a girl's game. Most of the games I played it's for a boy, but now I'm enjoying this game. It has a similar game I played before, and I like this type of game. That's why it's not hard for me to play and understand the aim of the game.

It's like I'm watching a cartoon movie while playing this game

The Lorax
Summoners War: Chronicles is a huge MMO game, with a lot of things to do, but is it good? In this article we will talk about both good and bad sides of Summoners War: Chronicles so you can decide if this is the right game for you. PROS 1. Loads of Content When you open Summoners War: Chronicles menu and see all the options available to you it might be scary at first. Good things that content is being gradually unlocked as you progress the game, so it dont overwhelm you.

Summoners War: Chronicles PROS and CONS. Is it Good?

Summoners War: Chronicles is a RPG with MMO elements and a lot of Adventures in it. Explore the world around you together with your Summons, grow stronger, and unveil the secrets and mysteries that are hidden from you. Gameplay Gameplay in Summoners War: Chronicles is pretty fluid and engaging. You start by selecting one of 3 classes and move on to some appearance change options (no worries, you can change them later).

Fun Mobile MMORPG - Summoners War: Chronicles Review

Is Summoners War Chronicle Worth It in 2023?

Is Summoners War Chronicle Worth It in 2023?

Chaotic Inc.
Nice Game download
Dante Ferguson