Lost Light 的影片截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
更多Lost Light 是網易開發的一款生存競技手游。 玩家將扮演螢火蟲小隊的成員,在失去秩序且危險的禁區中生存並找出隱藏在背後的陰謀。玩家將全副武裝參加戰鬥,掃蕩敵人以獲取資源,並與其他玩家共同生存。 槍支在遊戲中以1:1的比例還原,包含12個自定義部分,提供100多種類型的修改零件,玩家可自由定制。 遊戲中,玩家可以採取不同策略。你可以選擇搭救陌生人,與他暫時結盟,也可以在遇難時發出求救信號,將坐標傳遞給周圍的人,並從其他人那裡獲得幫助。 玩家可以使用戰場上收集到的補給品將地下鐵路的遺跡轉變成生存庇護所,在那裡他們可以交易貨物並與他人共享信息。除了戰鬥之外,經商也是一種生存的方法。


2K 個評分
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  • 🎮️ 遊戲玩法刺激且具有挑戰性,適合喜歡射擊和搜括財富的玩家。
  • 📈️ 畫質非常真實,提供高品質的3D圖形。
  • 📖️ 故事情節不重要,大多數玩家會忽略它。



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We Took On Raymond - Lost Light

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Beware Of Campers In Ranked - Lost Light

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Same Guy, Twice - Lost Light Ranked

Lost Light
Lost Light
Good starting this type of game in mobile just like Escape From Tarkov. Good design of map and stuff inside it. But still need a little more improvement to be the best. The improvement needed : 1. Divide movement and aim screen for two on right and left just like PUBG mobile and PUBG new state. 2. Increase graphics by insert more lifely things like the wind effect, snow, rain, electric effect on broken car or building, broken glasses sound, sunlight, bugs sound and effect, water sound and effect, realistic gun or grenade sound with echo and lastly the movement that look more like a human when starting to sprint or stop or crouch or jump.
Lost Light
Lost Light
Once again i keep getting one shot in the head wothout any logical reason,again the "chinese" name players using cheat blantly. Just make another server for SEA, trust me the cheating issues will decrease very fast because cheaters will only find another cheaters in the china server. The reason im pissed off is why do they need to cheat though, if you doesnt know how to play the game then learn it, not cheat. The developers are not taking this issue seriously.Yeah they got ban for cheat, then what? They just make another account to cheat again. So JUST MAKE ANOTHER SERVER FOR SEA PLAYERS FOR FUCK SAKE!
Lost Light
Lost Light
The game are really fun and probably a really smart move to only match with few people... the only problem I have are the crashes... I guess my phone are not up to task with this game, but it didn't really lag, just some memory problem I think which always lead to crashes...
Lost Light
Lost Light
game is good but it's in 3d person, fps would be great since mobile have smaller screen. also I can't record the gameplay it's always crash when I start recording it. game need to change some crafting items. and I don't like the maradures mode since it's unfair they alwyas get our location because of the nps shooting us and they shoot with them so it's impossible to win against them and they get our stuff for free and if they die they literally lose nothing. baf map is full of maradures i always go with nothing but a pistol because maradures camp at exit points with npcs.
Lost Light
Lost Light
Do not download this update, it eats complete arse. no guns are named the same anymore, full of bugs and glitches, can even hear enemies shooting or walking. this game is a mess right now. maybe come back next month or next year when they move on to a different game by netease, milk it dry and move on just to repeat the cycle. good business model but it's making us feel worth like dirt to them.
Melaz Music
Lost Light
Lost Light
This game is amazing. It's made as realistic as possible. Cool graphics, nice and a itty-bitty annoying game play but i still love it. it's kinda a challenge to recognize if you're facing a player enemy or a bot since bots in this game are not as stupid as bots in other shooting games.(still they're not player so you can kill them easily if you're smart enough not to face many of them at the same time or strong enough to kill them easily ).
Lost Light
Lost Light
it's "duplicate" the escape from tarkov but mobile, and i think it's hardless because : the enemy marked with a light in it body it's tpp , if it like EFT with fpp mode it will be harder i think the player was trained with fast reload (slight hand) and "firefly" enemy indicator , i think it's annoying, (sad ninja noice) for purrfection add some animation (like execute,death etc) add fpp (make it hardcore)