Lost Light 的影片截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
更多Lost Light 是網易開發的一款生存競技手游。 玩家將扮演螢火蟲小隊的成員,在失去秩序且危險的禁區中生存並找出隱藏在背後的陰謀。玩家將全副武裝參加戰鬥,掃蕩敵人以獲取資源,並與其他玩家共同生存。 槍支在遊戲中以1:1的比例還原,包含12個自定義部分,提供100多種類型的修改零件,玩家可自由定制。 遊戲中,玩家可以採取不同策略。你可以選擇搭救陌生人,與他暫時結盟,也可以在遇難時發出求救信號,將坐標傳遞給周圍的人,並從其他人那裡獲得幫助。 玩家可以使用戰場上收集到的補給品將地下鐵路的遺跡轉變成生存庇護所,在那裡他們可以交易貨物並與他人共享信息。除了戰鬥之外,經商也是一種生存的方法。


2K 個評分
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  • 🎮️ 遊戲玩法刺激且具有挑戰性,適合喜歡射擊和搜括財富的玩家。
  • 📈️ 畫質非常真實,提供高品質的3D圖形。
  • 📖️ 故事情節不重要,大多數玩家會忽略它。



Lost Light
Lost Light
please add fpp option its more fun and exciting playing on first perspective but all and all its a great game. well done guys
Lost Light
Lost Light
its a nice game alot but for no reason in the middle of the game it kick me out i dont know why the graphic is on ultra i have 60 fps my phone have a 8gb ram everything is fine but why i get kick out of the game and the funny thing is i cant enter until 1 hour pass the kicked time
Im in love with this game. super addicting. its the level of detail for me. sucks when you lose everything, but fun working to build up another loadout. cant wait till its official full release, matchmaking times right now are kind of long, but im sure that will change with more players, definitely a few things to iron out, but going to be an absolutely amazing game. its the only game i even play anymore.
Lost Light
Lost Light
Honestly I love every aspect of this game. they should only change a few accessibility issues to make crafting and black market buying/selling/menu run a little faster but there are SO many things you can do and it's honestly the best mobile game I've ever played. so many upgrades to work for and gun customizations and things to craft/equipment to collect/missions to do as well as the ranked mode make this game the best experience on a mobile game I've ever seen. and I've tried a LOT of games
Lost Light
Lost Light
As a part of the Firefly Squad, Lost Light tasks you with the mission of exploring a brutal exclusion zone, where you’ll be bringing light to whatever mysterious events created this warzone. Story (★★★★☆) ✔️ Most of the story is drip-fed through missions Gameplay (★★★★☆) ✔️ A mashup of game elements (Post-apocalyptic survival, battle royale, action, looting and shooting game mechanics) ✔️ Close resemblance to PUBG, Rainbow Six Siege clone, The Division’s Dark Zone and Escape from Tarkov
Lost Light
Lost Light
Okay, so i have spent quiet a lot of time. The graphics, customisation and everything is great. And i thank god that this game does not consum so much of time like in Lifeafter. However, what i find boring is that in ranked if one dies, then their equipments are also gone. secondly their are not many game modes. Like team death match n all....that would be better if they add it in the game. Also some battle royale where players will bring their equipment with them. but yeah if they die, they don't lose the equipment.
Lost Light
Lost Light
just wanted to say this game is really good compared to Badlanders, Lost Light offers competitive games alone or in duos with their own efforts. Starting with a mission that is intended as a tutorial to play the game, then the mission will change to get rewards for the progress to continue the game or just to become the richest by selling gifts from missions. 😎
Lost Light
Lost Light
This is a Tarkarov-like Mobile game. The EXP you get from each match depends on Kill Fireflies, Kill Marauders, Headshot, Items Gathered, Sprinted, Use Items, Medical Recovery and Survival Time. In my opinion, there are pros and cons to this game supporting cross-platform play on PC and mobile. The good thing is that this is convenient, you can open the game for a round anytime. Even if you don't have a computer, you can still enjoy the game.
Lost Light
Lost Light
This is basically an Escape from Tarkov Mobile, but a damn good one! I would have given it 5 stars if not of the following problem: I have set up my UI in a way that I have the ADS button somewhere in the top left corner of the screen. What happens is if I press it, the movement joystick moves there, overlapping the ADS button. I can only play with fixed left joystick, and this isn't really working for me 😓. If anyone has a workaround, feel free to share!
Iustin Rusu
Lost Light
Lost Light
I'd say it's a good game. You can try this one if you don't have the necessary skills to play other FPS games. The graphics and gameplay are fantastic with great control and mobility. I appreciate how missions may be done during the day or at night. However, the tutorial needs some polishing as well as the correction of a few small flaws. Overall, this game has exceeded and met my expectations. It is far superior to Badlanders. It's incredible that it runs so smoothly with no advertising.