Lost Light 的影片截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
Lost Light 遊戲截圖
更多Lost Light 是網易開發的一款生存競技手游。 玩家將扮演螢火蟲小隊的成員,在失去秩序且危險的禁區中生存並找出隱藏在背後的陰謀。玩家將全副武裝參加戰鬥,掃蕩敵人以獲取資源,並與其他玩家共同生存。 槍支在遊戲中以1:1的比例還原,包含12個自定義部分,提供100多種類型的修改零件,玩家可自由定制。 遊戲中,玩家可以採取不同策略。你可以選擇搭救陌生人,與他暫時結盟,也可以在遇難時發出求救信號,將坐標傳遞給周圍的人,並從其他人那裡獲得幫助。 玩家可以使用戰場上收集到的補給品將地下鐵路的遺跡轉變成生存庇護所,在那裡他們可以交易貨物並與他人共享信息。除了戰鬥之外,經商也是一種生存的方法。


2K 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲玩法刺激且具有挑戰性,適合喜歡射擊和搜括財富的玩家。
  • 📈️ 畫質非常真實,提供高品質的3D圖形。
  • 📖️ 故事情節不重要,大多數玩家會忽略它。



Lost Light Gameplay! (Global Launch)

Lost Light Gameplay! (Global Launch)

Lost Light
Lost Light
i really like this escape from tarkov style games, but they has problem for this games: first half, this game is not good for beginning, if you play, then you don't remember where the carry toolbox from, because this game lack objective navigation to helping where carry toolbox hide. second is technical issues, in my opinion they're several technical issues, such bad matchmaking. the good was the graphic is still good, but idk this gameplay are great if i think.
Ahmad Baihaqi
Lost Light
Lost Light
Netease has really been into shooting and looting style of games for some time now..... First, Cyber Hunter was a stand alone game until the Loot Lord mode was added. I can only assume they reused some Bandlanders assets to create this game instead of engineering it from the ground up. Which by the way, I cannot play Bandlanders in the U.S Google play Store, apparently there's some regulations that won't allow me to play it (weird), once again, I can only assume that's why they focused on this and not Bandlanders.
Lost Light
Lost Light
Excited for this one, but i knew i should've kept my expectation low.. (Review list is unfinished, so i might added some more as i played more of the game) PROS : 1.Nice Graphics 2.Detailed Weapon Customization 3.EFT based gameplay CONS : 1. TPP (it could be more fun and interesting if the game was in first person perspective, now it looks like another battle royale ripoff) 2.Bots are aimbotting 3.The game's brightness is dark af
wow cool game still way to go

wow cool game still way to go

Lost Light
Lost Light
It's like playing Escape from Tarkov and PUBG. The gameplay is about surviving as you collect loots such as weapons and their respective attachments to improve the quality of your gun. Shoot down enemies as you work your way up to survive the game. So far, the battle royale feels is there, getting a better or higher device is a must to get the full experience of the game. The graphics are really good as well same goes for the sound effects and music.
Lost Light
Lost Light
quick review after 5-6 game first of all , it had some fixing on graphics and especially Those OP A.I Marauder finally got nerfed , the A.I was too overpowered on the international test , hard to dodge from their awareness , even it could see you from mile away , that was a hard time mostly player was aggressive after lvl 10 so be careful what you looking for and what you risking of most part could find randomly , most were only available on map
dean potter
Lost Light
Lost Light
I think its really good for a game that has started making game like experiences that close to escape from tarkov ,peaking of which I'd like to ask for a first person view as well as ask if there will be maps that would be outdoors and in bigger play are maps,that I think would complete the feel of lost light.
Lost Light
Lost Light
I actually loved the game the controls are nice the maps are great and I love what you did with the temporally team up with other player in solos and with the realism injuries, guns and stuff that are in the map the game is great and I hope in a future that is launched to all around the world. 😃
Lost Light New Open Beta Gameplay (Android, iOS)

Lost Light New Open Beta Gameplay (Android, iOS)
