戰雙帕彌什 的影片截圖
戰雙帕彌什 遊戲截圖
戰雙帕彌什 遊戲截圖
戰雙帕彌什 遊戲截圖
戰雙帕彌什 遊戲截圖
戰雙帕彌什 遊戲截圖
戰雙帕彌什 遊戲截圖
戰雙帕彌什 遊戲截圖
戰雙帕彌什 遊戲截圖
戰雙帕彌什 遊戲截圖
戰雙帕彌什 遊戲截圖
戰雙帕彌什 遊戲截圖


更多◆遊戲世界觀 故事發生在不遠的將來...… 人類對基礎科學的究極探索觸碰到了禁忌領域,“帕彌什(懲罰)”懲罰突然降臨。人類脆弱的肉體被迅速破壞,而被侵蝕的機械則被入侵,化身為狂暴的屠殺機器。 倖存者被迫逃離家園,流亡深空。而你,將扮演一個“拯救”者,從而人類文明最後的希望“構造體”,踏上回歸地球的征程。 指揮官,請和我一起戰鬥,拯救人類文明! ◆遊戲特色 ◆二次元ARPG,三消與動作的完美結合 流暢精美的動作設計,真實爽快的打擊手感,自由隨心的場景旋轉,搭配獨創的三消技能施放,讓普攻與技能的輸出組合變得策略性。同時,極限閃避帶來超算空間效果,構造體QTE支援戰場,隊長技實現戰力提升,帶來全新美妙的戰鬥體驗。 ◆極致畫面,定義戰鬥美學新概念 安靜空靈的配色,宏大壯麗的戰鬥場景,精美細緻的人物塑造,再配合構造體們在戰鬥中用一招一式劃亮的希望之光,打造華麗靜謐的主機級視覺效果,替代地還原出了人們腦海中的末世科幻世界。 ◆豐富劇情,末世中最後的希望 性格各異的構造體,神秘危險的升格者,艱難求存的人類組織,在帕彌什降臨的末世中,支持,堅守,猜疑,溫暖,信任,利用,守護,一幅幅浮浮世繪卷徐徐展開。人類,將何去何從?豐富飽滿的劇​​情故事,帶來沉沉浸感的遊戲體驗。


5.7K 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎨️ 遊戲畫面精美,角色設計細緻,環境渲染出色,視覺效果令人驚豔。
  • ⚔️️ 戰鬥系統流暢且富有挑戰性,獨特的戰鬥機制增加了策略性和深度。
  • 😓️ 遊戲內容對新手來說可能過於複雜,初期體驗容易感到困惑。



Grand Blue Will Be Live on January 26

Grand Blue Will Be Live on January 26

Punishing: Gray Raven Media
Do I need to say that I like PGR? It's been more than 5 months since I started playing it, I stopped playing it because I was into other games and was difficult to get some time to play it, and I was bored, but I'm back playing it every single day again, the characters are cool, they have their backstory (, interlude) that unlocks when you get them, but I think they should invest more in that because there just too little lore about it, the most lore that have in the game is main story, there's not like a bunch of backstory about every character just an bit, the lore too it's interesting, probably if you have played other post apocalyptic sci Fi games you will not like it too much, but I would give an 7.6 to lore, just don't give it more because yeah, there's not too much explanation for the events. The game is really F2P, you can litellary get all the S rank for free and get them to rank SS for free too, but yeah it takes time, in the rate up banners(new rank S character banner) you can only get the new S Rank so no there not that thing of getting other rank S like Genshin Impact, the pity is 60 and it's guaranteed that you will get her in 60, the percentage of rank S if I remember is 0.5% or 1%, the Weapons banner are the half, 30 to pity an rank S weapon, they are more easier to get, all my friends got 6 star weapon whiout pity. About events they give A LOT of time to it, the grand blue event rn have 36 days of duration, so you don't need to rush, also mostly of the events you can get free materials from the event shop exchanging the event currencies. Overall would give it an 8.5 Rate, it's really fun to play the gameplay is similar to Honkai Impact, you can bring 3 units and can switch between them and can make combos it them, the game has a good difficulty not too easy and not impossible, so yeah give it a try.
VERY similar game to Honkai impact. However, there's a friendlier gacha, it's easier to navigate, and runs just so buttery smooth. Was extremely impressed when I played at launch but ran into a bit of a wall as the game didn't offer much. There's been several updates since so I'll likely be revisiting it shortly
TapTap Game Awards 2021(CN): The Winners!

TapTap Game Awards 2021(CN): The Winners!

TapTap Editor
So I just started on the global build 2 days ago and I'm at Lvl 32, however I want in on the Nier crossover and Liv Solaeter in the Japan build. Do I have to create a whole new account on the JP build and even if I do I can't read Japanese how do people get around that? 🙇
What Have We Been Playing #14: Game Review of the Year

What Have We Been Playing #14: Game Review of the Year

TapTap Editor
Giving Punishing: Gray Raven a Second Chance

Giving Punishing: Gray Raven a Second Chance

The first launch of the game went well but not for long. As far as I can remember, there's an issue about KURO TECHNOLOGY (publisher of the game) increasing the price of in-app purchases. Compared to the CN server, the prices of in-app purchases on the global server are way high up. It's not like I care though since I don't spend my money on games like this. But I heard some event rewards are impossible to get without being pay-to-win, meaning, it's not fair. That's a long time ago though. Things are calm now, I think... Issues aside, the game is really fun to play. The character designs are really cool. The story plot is interesting too but some voices of the enemy (the shrieking sounds) are super annoying. I heard a shriek everytime the enemy talks— each line (3 times, I think) and it's hurting my ears. It's really weird that they put it like that, I mean, you can just put one shrieking sound so why... Overall, it's a really great game and since I'm new to the gameplay style, I like it very much.

Punishing: Gray Raven - Game Review

Kowloong Metropolis trailer | Punishing Gray Raven

Kowloong Metropolis trailer | Punishing Gray Raven

Punishing: Gray Raven Media
Finally! 🏆 TOP 33 Best Android & iOS Games | Best Mobile Games of The Year!🎉

Finally! 🏆 TOP 33 Best Android & iOS Games | Best Mobile Games of The Year!🎉
