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全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光 遊戲截圖
全境封鎖 : 曙光

全境封鎖 : 曙光

更多《全境封鎖:曙光》為免費的第三人稱角色扮演射擊遊戲,背景為獨創的大型都市開放世界。遊戲提供了為行動裝置量身打造的高畫質 3A 體驗,並以全新作品的姿態提供許多新內容:故事線、職業和敵方勢力等…。 《全境封鎖:曙光》提供獨立於《全境封鎖》和《全境封鎖 2》的全新戰役,讓玩家以全新視角體驗關鍵劇情事件。故事背景發生在當代美國的後危機時期,病毒爆發造成混亂,政府也隨之瓦解。作為「國土戰略局」特工,你的任務是恢復秩序,保護平民免受敵對勢力的侵害,並協助他們建立更美好的未來。 廣受好評的《全境封鎖》系列推出行動裝置新體驗 操控方式與使用者介面皆為行動裝置量身打造,確保玩家擁有流暢體驗。享受廣獲好評的第三人稱角色扮演射擊遊戲之最新力作,以及都市開放世界背景的原味遊戲模式。 全新故事線 讓新手與老手探索全新的 PvE 戰役。成為傳奇的第一波國土戰略局特工,以獨特觀點解讀《全境封鎖》和《全境封鎖 2》的事件。 高畫質呈現的廣闊開放世界 在單人或多人合作模式探索開放世界,遊玩各種 PvE 活動,包含劇情任務與世界活動。以精美畫質在細膩無比的都市環境漫遊。 於行動裝置進行 PvP 對戰 在「支配戰」中考驗你的技術,享受純粹的競技體驗,或者進入獨特的 PvPvE 開放世界區域——惡名昭彰的「暗區」。單打獨鬥或組隊擊倒強大敵人,在其他玩家(甚至是隊友)獲取頂級裝備和獎勵之前搶先一步! 收集並升級大量裝備與武器 搜刮、製作、改造和升級裝備來對抗敵人。動動指尖即可使用各種武裝自訂角色! 選擇特化職業來配合自身遊戲風格 升級並提升技巧以解鎖新的特有武器和獨特裝備。隨時更換特化職業和改變角色,嘗試新能力並找出與好友完美搭配的組合。


1.1K 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲玩法流暢,關卡設計出色,融合了新舊元素。
  • 📖️ 劇情非常吸引人,單人遊戲時的過場動畫值得一看。
  • 🕹️️ 瞄準系統需要改進,有時感覺有點不流暢。



全境封鎖 : 曙光
全境封鎖 : 曙光
The gameplay is smooth, and the overall experience is fun. Waiting for full release.
Price Unbound
全境封鎖 : 曙光
全境封鎖 : 曙光
I have downloaded everything and completed every single contents in order to play this game, but when I want to start playing the game, suddenly a window pop-out said that "The game can't be played because my region is not supported to play this game", so I delete the game. Maybe, I will wait for the global version released better. I think the game is awesome from the look of some cutscenes. But, the real gameplay I still feel curious.
Vivi Vivi
全境封鎖 : 曙光
全境封鎖 : 曙光
Good Game,please reduce the size of the game.
全境封鎖 : 曙光
全境封鎖 : 曙光
I am not able play game
Lokesh Meena
全境封鎖 : 曙光
全境封鎖 : 曙光
I played non stop for hours last night. Game truly feels amazing and feels as good as console. I'm playing on my Google Pixel and it ran smoothly. There were some areas the frame rate had a little issue but the cutscenes ran smoothly, the combat feels nice. In the beta we can't turn up or down our frame rate/graphic settings so I feel it's something that will be fixed upon release. I do encourage anyone who can play to hop in and run some. I did some hideouts with other players and got some really good early game loot. I plan on trying to run some DZ before the beta ends, so I can add on after I run that. The hideout missions feel really good, nice, short and straight to the point. A couple were challenging but nothing you cant handle especially on a team. Very well worth it, I think I stopped on level 13 but was already getting purple gear. The world chat and other chat feels smooth and I love that you can send a message and it doesn't take up to much of the screen. In fact it auto hides and only pops up when someone does say something and then collapses afterwards so definitely a big A+ on that. Overall I think this is going to be huge for mobile gaming, I really hope Ubisoft keeps up with it. Yes there is some pay features as well as a battle pass but I think their approach is good. It's not up in your face, buy this here. From what I seen it's purely cosmetic with some options for mats but I already got in game currency to unlock the chest for mats so looks like it's going to be way more on the cosmetics side for buying which I'm totally fine with as it is a free game. I think with it not being in your face and being a nuisance it's not going to bother alot of people. I hope we get a raid with the game but that will be seen. It does look like there will be end game activities that are story driven(excluding a raid) like how Div2 did with there islands and such. But yeah game feels really well for the beta minus some of the frame drops here and there. Which again I feel will be fine when the initial release happens. So hop in agents before the beta ends
全境封鎖 : 曙光
全境封鎖 : 曙光
Finally I brought my review on this game....the developers doing such a hard work on this game .....I think after optimization need for more better experience because over all game is great but it's consume heavy battery uses in normal settings otherwise it's will be ready to use....5here no problem with the game play very smooth gaming experience control are easy to adapt.....I want to say please release this game as soon as possible in Asian region.
全境封鎖 : 曙光
全境封鎖 : 曙光
Looking for something new to play this week? We've got you covered with these great new games just released. Follow the account to stay tuned and let's be the pioneer!!

[Be the pioneer] Check out new release & beta games this week- Nov. 20

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Played the game until the Ship Boss who throws explosives. Killed them all, got close to loot and the game goes into cutscene and I couldn't loot him. Instantly uninstall. It was the same reason I stopped playing The Last of Us.
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Ep-2 The division resurgence Beta Gameplay (Android, iOS)

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