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T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
T3 Arena 遊戲截圖
更多「活力四射 正中快樂」 元氣小隊英雄射擊遊戲《火力蘇打》來囉!快節奏、易上手的遊戲體驗,隨手就能開啟一場輕鬆刺激的射擊對戰。 在這裡,你將化身槍法有型的怪咖英雄,從搖滾歌手到外星生物,超過N種潮酷造型收集,努力成為聯賽最炫的頭號人物吧!3-5分鐘的多種玩法模式,還有超輕鬆的自動開火功能,無論你是獨來獨往的技術大神,還是偏愛組隊的射擊小白,都能一起享受最純粹的對噴快樂! 「三分一局 隨開隨贏」 平均只需要3-5分鐘一局的快節奏玩法,6秒無限復活的對戰機制,任何場合都能來上一把,要的就是這種隨時隨地暢快開噴的爽快! 「自動開火 誰上都行」 輕鬆無負擔的自動開火功能,只需要將準星對上敵人就能自動射擊,低門檻的操作手法,讓萌新對上老鳥也有了翻盤的機會,再也不用擔心對槍被朋友嫌棄啦! 「元氣英雄 潮酷不停」 近30名美漫風格的英雄人設等你收集,每位都擁有獨一無二的特色技能/戰鬥風格,他們抱著不盡相同的目標來到聯賽,一起站上最炫酷的賽場展開對決吧。 「小隊開黑 好友同頻」 誰不想和朋友來上一局輕鬆刺激的射擊對戰呢!實時語音讓你可以與朋友隨時交流戰術,不論你是斜杠青年、遊戲發燒友還是日常打工人,都能在這裡無壓力表達,想說就說盡情開麥! 「多模亂鬥 原地火拼」 你不僅可以體驗到輕鬆休閒的3v3模式,也可以選擇更體現團隊配合更激烈刺激的5v5對戰,更有水晶攻防、佔領據點、護送運載、金幣搶奪……等各種娛樂模式等你體驗,快來pick你的心動玩法! =組隊玩、單人玩 T3 Arena 就是好玩= 官方FB粉絲團:🔗link 官方IG:🔗link 官方Youtube頻道:🔗link@T3Arena/ 聯絡客服: [email protected] 星重力數位科技有限公司為《T3 Arena》在台港澳地區的代理商。 ※本遊戲涉及暴力,依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬貨幣、物品等付費服務。 ※請注意遊戲時間,避免沈迷。


11K 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 👍️ 這款遊戲的圖形和遊戲性非常出色,並且每季都有新皮膚。
  • 😍️ 這是一款非常有趣且具有競爭性的遊戲,推薦給喜歡競爭的人。
  • 👎️ 遊戲的匹配機制有問題,高段位玩家經常匹配到低段位玩家。



Hey my four subscribers 😭😭😭💀 just wanted to say hi it’s been a while since I posted.( pls subscribe🙏)
Just started playing did the game stop updating cuz that’s all I’m hearing about
just realized this yesterday but why did t3 get rid of so many stages?? tdm 5v5 free for all so many stages got scrapped but why
This game is good and smooth for my phone but sometimes the space is too high and I can't download this game so I had to get a new IPhone.
When Healer turned dps…. 🔥
T3 Arena
T3 Arena
Great game, new season is already, but not sure of its continuity.
Rikrdo Sevla
that hacker ruined my game

that hacker ruined my game

T3 Arena
T3 Arena
i enjoy this game im obsessed. best game ever. i recommend it to all my friends. now its more fun
T3 Arena
T3 Arena
well last time I talked about heroes too hard (I hate neon and that fucking tigris) but now I'm going to talk about heroes that are just too bad or impossible to play in the most important mode 5v5 (ranked) for the bad heroes I think first of all sindri since these nerfs she has just become the worst hero in the game you just have to improve all her kit, after I think about jj nothing special even if he doesn't do a lot of damage he slows down a lot so in my opinion you should rather concentrate on his healing zone to enlarge and give him more healing, there's also diggy who has only one problem it's his teleporter you should really cancel the animation like in the arena royal Vincent is complicated to play but we can't buff him otherwise he will become too powerful, on zk my favorite hero who is just too complicated to play he should have more ammo in his weapon and be able to reload them in snowman mode, for ono I don't really know I never play him so if the ono main are tell me  in comment how it should be buff who is still there?, ah yes hunter so hunter is strong but he can no longer compete with today's heroes we really have to buff his heal and improve the damage of his 1st ultimate and put more cartridges in his 2nd ultimate like the 1st I would say 3. otherwise it's all I found tell me in comment which hero should be buff according to you and why.
Can Lacia shoot through walls using her ult?