Quest Hunter 的影片截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
Quest Hunter 遊戲截圖
更多免費播放第一個位置。 完整遊戲的應用內購買。 使命獵人(Quest Hunter)是一款等距動作角色扮演遊戲,妳的選擇將推動遊戲的進程。尋找寶藏,解決謎題,武裝角色,升級並打倒BOSS。妳可以自己或者和朋友在沙發上玩,也可以同時最多四人在線遊玩。 敘事角色扮演:通過不同的對話回答影響主線故事。解開敵人險惡的陰謀並用聖水將其驅散。把世界從永恆的黑暗中解救出來吧! 合作模式:與朋友聯網,或者坐在沙發上用一臺設備(最多四個玩家)通關。肩並肩與邪惡戰鬥或一同葬身敵人的巢穴。 衍生的地穴:在享受勝利的同時,試著找到洞穴的出口。這次它在哪里出現?誰又在洞口等著你? 謎語和謎題:前進,迂回,燒毀,關閉,挖掘……通過語言來解決謎語。搜索寶物卡,成為陣營裏的富翁吧! 升級和技能:提升人物等級拓展新的技能。變成一個削怪成泥的戰鬥機器吧! 武器,防具,物品:尋找,鍛造升級武器和防具。製造藥水或者炸彈。是拿著鐵鍬帶著草帽還是端著短劍戴頭盔,決定權在你的手裏! 怪物和BOSS:來自黑暗的神奇怪獸-可以用火把驅散他們。邪惡的強盜-可以用金錢買通他們以求生。至於狡猾的BOSS-就要自己想辦法啦! 寶物和戰利品:在口袋裏裝滿手下敗將的戰利品吧。找到所有的密室吧。把黑暗世界所有的寶藏都挖出來吧。 記住:你只有在火把的光照下是安全的!


65 個評分



Quest Hunter
Quest Hunter
Quest Hunter has you set off on a journey to unravel the mystery of the sun’s blockage and provide a helping hand to the residents of this strange and stricken land. Graphics (★★★★☆) ✔️ Simple 3D cartoonish art style with a dark tint Story (★★★☆☆) ✔️ Intriguing story ✔️ Light is the primary source in the world of Quest Hunter ❌ Narrative seems flat as game revolves around quests and dungeons Gameplay (★★★☆☆)
Quest Hunter
Quest Hunter
The game is great! This game is an action RPG where you will start exploring using a shovel and a wooden shield. You must start collecting resources and hunting monsters in order to level up your abilities. By hunting and collecting resources in the region you will advance more in-game. One tip, you must find torches in order to activate archive points. Overall, the game is really great for an RPG in mobile. The game is a player-friendly game because you can choose difficulty based on your gameplay. Highly recommended.
Quest Hunter
Quest Hunter
First of all this game is DEMO, just a few chapters, found Smith and Carpenter to your camp, if you want to continue your adventure Buy full Version, I think ot worth to buy. Second this game has a PC version, released on Steam, look like it was it. Final DON'T BUY IT until the SAVED GAME DISAPPEARED BUG WAS FIXED. It almost bought full version yesterday until I turned off phone, and when game reloaded the save was not there, if you want to play you have to play from the beginning. I just thought it's only me but turn out that's a bug. 😆
Bún Riêu Cua
Quest Hunter
Quest Hunter
An action-adventure game with full exploration elements. The main feature of the game is that it can be online adventures with multiple players, and the play experience of cooperating with friends is even more. The gameplay is based on exploration. Players need to collect resources while fighting to eliminate monsters to improve themselves. The map is relatively large and the content of the objects is relatively rich, which can make players feel the curiosity of exploration. The game has the same skill talent system as Diablo, but the richness is not very sufficient.
Quest Hunter
Quest Hunter
This is a high quality action RPG that starts off with your airship crashing into an unknown continent, and you need to start exploring with a shovel and a wooden shield. By continuously collecting resources, defeating monsters to improve your abilities and skills, and then more in-depth to advance the plot. Leveling up allows you to choose basic abilities and skills and explore as many unknown areas as possible. By searching for loot, you can get torches. The torch is a very important prop in the game and can be used to activate archive points. At the same time, you can return life points by eating fruits and vegetables.