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Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity 遊戲截圖
Chronicle of Infinity

Chronicle of Infinity

更多【聯系我們】 遊戲官網:🔗link Facebook: 🔗link 燃綻誓約新紀元,重啟宇宙星域集結!燃戰來襲,開啟多元宇宙全新秩序!玩家作為擁有天神血脈的誓約者,將臨危受命肩負起保衛家園的神聖使命。遊戲將采用PBR、Shader等技術打造主機級畫面品質,為玩家帶來視聽上的盛宴。在酷炫爽感中體驗隨機副本與競技團戰,感受多文明紛爭中的探索冒險,以及Roguelike、解謎等元素帶來全新戰場體驗。與此同時,玩家找尋天神秘密,收集神裝聖甲進階進化,覺醒天賦神力一戰成神,拯救十二聖女!即刻下載遊戲,百萬福利等你來拿! ◆ 賽博紀元,新的秩序就此開始 光明與黑暗碰撞,一場席卷艾爾斯星的超能風暴隨之來襲!18位挑戰者在6X6的幻影空間中展開戰隊競技角逐。組隊收集能量模組,挑戰超能怪物,躲避蔓延輻射,贏取超能寶盒,奪得專屬「超能主宰」榮耀。 ◆ 主宰宇宙,成神試煉神力覺醒 當創世之神隕落之後,所有星域盡數陷落於上古邪魔的勢力之中,唯一凈土「艾爾斯」星也難逃厄運。在這裏,你作為天神血脈的唯一繼承者,履行王之誓約,肩負起拯救宇宙的使命。抵抗入侵,重奪榮耀! ◆ 創世神裝,百變造型炫酷神裝 酷炫外觀,造型百變!每套裝備都精心設計了極具特色的「變形效果」和「穿裝動作」,裝備材質采用擬真水晶效果將質感100%展現,配合精致的流光特效,讓每一次裝備提升都顯得張力十足!更有自定義時裝特效、寶石、光環等內容任你搭配選擇,為你帶來前所未有的外觀視覺盛宴! ◆ 競技冒險,隨機副本熱血團戰 冒險路上,還有多人跨服匹配競技和刺激的百人生存戰場等你挑戰。跨服野外戰場,占領祭壇贏取戰盟增益。隨機BUFF縮圈戰場,融合了操作與運氣的心跳競技!遊戲還加入了Roguelike隨機副本、關卡解密、秘境尋蹤,消消樂等多種玩法,讓你在艾爾斯的每一場戰鬥,都有不重復的體驗! ◆ 主機畫質,流光渲染科技加成 遊戲使用3D引擎及PBR、Shader等技術打造主機級畫面品質,呈現出華麗震撼的多元宇宙場景,特色十足的外星文明奇觀。「發光的外星植物」、「浮空的異星建築」百余種極具特色的宇宙場景和誇張的BOSS形象,配合史詩級劇情及專業配音陣容,將為你帶來沈浸式魔幻遊戲體驗。 ◆ 炫戰滿屏,天賦搭配進階進化 每個職業都有極具特色的酷炫技能,龍戰,馭龍降臨驍勇神戰;幻刺,變幻莫測橫掃星域;秘法,聖光之怒閃耀星輝,百種天賦技能自由組合,點亮職業技能天賦還將解鎖全新作戰形態,開啟一場極致炫戰體驗! 【必要應用程序權限】 -音頻記錄:用於遊戲內語音聊天和語音輸入轉文字。


179 個評分



Soon play

Soon play



Bùi đạt
What's the full size?
Chronicle of Infinity
Chronicle of Infinity
Ephraim Volcano in Adunhade is the home of Titans, but in ancient legends, their home was once sunk in the lava of volcano. And it all started from powerful Fafnir. Zuander, Titan sage at the time eventually died with Fafnir in the deadly fight to protect the home and people. The wings cut off from Fafnir have been wrapped by inextinguishable flame since then and turned into Titan's Guardian Avian.

Crimson Avian

Chronicle of Infinity
Chronicle of Infinity
“The winter festival is the most significant festival of the year in Star Realm. At this time of the year, warriors of the three races will put on gorgeous hunting gears for beasts deep in forests. Trophies of the hunt will be offered to the gods at the festival for gratitude.”

Winter Hunt | Outfit

CHRONICLE OF INFINITY Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (Android,IOS)

CHRONICLE OF INFINITY Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (Android,IOS)

Chronicle of Infinity
Chronicle of Infinity
“Venom Stinger brings the Last Judgment! ” Venom Stinger's homeworld was originally nourished by the Spring of Life, which purifies the souls of the dead, and has always been coveted by the Obsidian Allied Forces. After the Obsidian Allied Forces used the forbidden weapon, the Spring of Life withered and the entire homeworld was filled with miasma and poisonous pools, sending the clan fleeing across the universe.

Venom Stinger | Pet

Chronicle of Infinity
Chronicle of Infinity
this is one of the best game.designed in a new way.you cant stop to play once you start this game.keep it up developers.

'Chronicle of Infinity' review

Chronicle of Infinity
Chronicle of Infinity
>Character Lv. Requirement: Lv.37 >The entrance to Pet Ougi will be unlocked once 200 Skill Ougi points have been allocated. Additionally, the Pet Ougi skills can be activated when 250 points are allotted for Skill Ougi. There are three preferences for Pet Ougi: Wingman Preference, Combat Preference, and Burst Preference. [Wingman Preference]: Focus on offering stats bonus for the character, with the possibility of granting ATK and DEF bonuses to the character in combat when pets deal damage.

Pet Ougi

Chronicle of Infinity
Chronicle of Infinity
Mythical Gear is already available online, the entrance will be unlocked when the character reaches level 98. It is accessible via the entrance next to the "Ranking" icon. The coolest thing about this set, aside from the attribute bonus, is that it has a very unique appearance which players can check by using the "Set Preview" option (*Please keep in mind that wearing and equipping Mythical Gear conflicts with outfits, with the same priority).

How to activate the Mythical Gear
