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Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
Dragonheir: 龍息神寂 遊戲截圖
更多〓 正版D&D角色聯名,由你譜寫史詩 〓 背負龍之宿命,踏上冒險征途。在艾達西亞大陸上體驗不同人文風情、地理氣候、歷史制度。在劍與魔法的世界中和D&D知名角色並肩作戰,書寫自己的傳奇! 〓 創角組團擲骰決定,開啟你的跑團 〓 高自由度創角,主角屬性自由加點,智力、魅力、力量等每一個點數都能左右你的冒險際遇;擲出命運的骰子,以你的信念做出選擇,邁向不同的劇情分歧。與NPC進行各式互動:比拼酒力、竊盜,感受戰鬥之外的豐富生活。 〓 兩百多名英雄首發,隨你變換陣容 〓 遊戲多達20+種族、20+職業、超過200位英雄隨心搭配,更有六大元素派系,可形成幾十種build流派……挑選一路同行的夥伴,攜手跨越泥沼與荊棘。嘗試不同的陣容,締造屬於你們的奇蹟。 〓 廣大沙盤開放世界,任你自由探索 〓 在比例尺微縮的開放大世界中,你將走遍死靈荒原、神秘森林、巍峨王城等絢麗且充滿奇遇的異域國度,通過解謎、感知檢定等,在路上偶得好東西;也可在各地商人處倒買倒賣,跑商獲得利益;還可以對著獲得的藏寶圖,天涯海角去尋寶。 〓 豐富多元賽季玩法,你準備要贏了嗎 〓 遊戲以12-14週為一個賽季,全新賽季四大洋內危機浮現開啟箱庭挑戰,全新海妖與神秘BOSS降臨,本次賽季中除了新增全新海面地圖,同時也增加了各類的挑戰型任務,擊敗堅守於該處的強大敵人,並獲取探索獎勵,除了瘋狂的深淵侍者外,羽貓、元素之焰等不同類型的敵人也會在不同的地點對抗前往探索的冒險者,力量強大不容忽視。 ◉ 官方網站 台灣 :tw.dragonheirasia.com 港澳 :dragonheirasia.nvsgames.com ◉ 官方Facebook:🔗link ◉ 官方YouTube:🔗link@DragonheirSilentGods_Asia ◉ 官方Discord討論區:🔗link 本遊戲內容涉及暴力、性(僅部分角色穿著凸顯性特徵服飾)、菸酒(無引誘使用菸酒之畫面或情節),依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔導18級,十八歲以上之人始得使用。 ※本遊戲為免費遊戲,但遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務,請依個人興趣及能力進行適度消費。 ※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷,長時間進行遊戲,容易影響作息,宜適度休息及運動。 ※本遊戲由艾瑞爾網路股份有限公司代理,如有疑問,請以本遊戲客服管道聯繫。


310 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🪄️ 開放世界策略沙盤RPG,自由主宰故事和旅程的發展。
  • 🪄️ 豐富的支線任務,每個決定都可能影響NPC命運或世界走向。
  • 👎️ 新手體驗很差,教程後有太多系統和機制沒有解釋。



🌌 Elemental Affinity Update! 🔮 Embark on a new chapter of adventure as the elemental forces of Adenthia shift and evolve! Here's the latest on the elemental affinity rotations: Fire & Poison combine to unleash the Power of Ulceration! Lightning & Radiance merge to create the Power of Resplendence! Ice & Necrosis entwine in the chilling embrace of the Power of Permafrost! ⚔️ Get ready to strategize with these new elemental combinations! 💫
Dragonheir Dev Team
Presentation of the new S4 heroes No.7 💃 Calavera, the Masked Dancer ☠️ [Melee, Legendary, Support] Element: Poison Calavera, a masked dancer with a mysterious past, arrives in the city, captivating all with her exotic grace. But beneath her enchanting demeanor lies a dark secret - a thirst for vengeance against those who betrayed her. Once a celebrated dancer, assassin, and spy, Calavera's life took a tragic turn, leading her to become an undead soul. Now, she seeks to punish those who wronged her, their deceitful words of "love" forever echoing in her mind.
Dragonheir Dev Team
Presentation of the new S4 heroes No.6 🩸 Perseus, the Fallen Prince 💀 [Melee, Legendary, Support] Element: Necrosis Perseus, a Fallen Soul born from the depths of the Womb, relentlessly hunts to appease the insatiable hunger of his queen, Sivesta. Once the crown prince of Perenthallis Nilae, he now serves as her monstrous creation, forever bound to her desires. Fueled by a twisted devotion to his queen, Perseus stalks the familiar lands near Perenthallis Nilae, longing for the day he can once again share a meal with his mother, even as he knows his fate is forever intertwined with hers.
Dragonheir Dev Team
🏆 Congratulations to our 3 champions of the Grave Racing Challenge - Phase VII 🥇 S1 track champion Discord ID: Undead917 score: 14-2*2-0.5*3=8.5s 🥈 S2 track champion Discord ID: andy_30499 score: 26-0.5*4=24s 🥉 S3 track champion Discord ID: Jules0558 score: 11-2*1-0.5*2=8s 🌟 Join the challenges now for a chance to claim incredible rewards! 💪🔥 PS. Rewards through Discord DMs, Winners. Please make sure you don't miss out the messages!
Dragonheir Dev Team

Top 50 Massively Multiplayer Games Everyone is Playing

Presentation of the new S4 heroes No.3 🐯 Halramar, the Darkmane ☠️ [Range, Legendary, Support] Element: Poison Born with dull fur in a society that prized vibrant stripes, Halramar's childhood was marked by feelings of bitterness and resentment. His resentment fueled a grand scheme to overthrow the kingdom, driven by a belief that his fellow tigerfolk had become complacent and naive under the protection of their god. However, his plans were thwarted, leaving him imprisoned and haunted by fragmented memories of the giant bird that once perched on his staff.
Dragonheir Dev Team
Presentation of the new S4 heroes No.2 🛠️ Orfenna, the Eccentric Inventor ⚡ [Range, Legendary, Lightning Blast] Element: Lightning Aboard the Free Hatred, Orfenna's inventive brilliance and volatile temperament are renowned. Bound to the airship by her complex relationship with Stoutbeard, her foster father figure, Orfenna's disdain for tradition and thirst for innovation often clash with the dwarves' conservative ways. A mysterious volcano research mission further strains their relationship, leaving a deep ideological divide.
Dragonheir Dev Team
Presentation of the new S4 heroes No.1 🐯Maashtur, the Fierce Tiger King 👑 [Melee, Legendary, Defense] Element: Lightning Born into royalty, Maashtur's path diverged from his brother Halramar's when he left the palace to lead the Tiger Claw Brigade in battle. His military prowess earned him the crown, but his leadership was soon challenged by his brother's growing influence within the church. Check out the image below for a glimpse of Maashtur's powerful skills! Don't miss the opportunity to get him in the upcoming new Season 4!👇
Dragonheir Dev Team
Dear Traveler, We sincerely thank you for your company on our adventure in Adenthia. Due to the design complexity and the synchronization issue among different seasons, the contents(Update on May 10th, 2024 UTC) adjusted in S1 servers have not yet been applied to S2 and S3 servers, and we believe the series of adjustments starting from the S1 to be the most feasible way to implement changes. In the mean time, we do care about every traveler's game experience. We fully understand the feelings and frustration of S2 and S3 players and their demands for equivalent compensation. We are here to clarify the intended compensation plan about "Quest Reward Adjustment and Compensation" for you.
Dragonheir Dev Team
🏁 Golden Vulture Racing Phase XI is almost here! Choose your team (Red or Blue) and place your bet to get great rewards! ⏰ Phase XI Betting Period: Jun 11th - Jun 16th 🎁Make a bet and win the reward: Winners: Wyrmarrow x200 Losers: Starlight Stone Dice x1 🔥Log in now and pick your side! 🚀 From the Depths, To the Throne #dragonheir #dragonheirsilentgods #downloadnow 🔥 Download Dragonheir NOW:
Dragonheir Dev Team