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The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
The Last of Us™ Part I 遊戲截圖
更多Steam 獨家優惠當您完成《The Last of Us Part I》PC版主劇情以後,即可獲得遊戲中艾莉專屬的兩套免費客製化上衣: Left 4 Dead Portal您可以在「其他」選單中找到。 數位豪華版《The Last of Us™ Part I》數位豪華版收錄以下內容: 《The Last of Us》單人劇情和《Left Behind》前傳篇章 提前解鎖以下遊戲項目: 提升製作速度技能 提升治療速度技能 9mm手槍上彈速度提升升級 來福槍彈匣容量增加升級 爆炸箭矢遊戲輔助 遞色龐克濾鏡 快速通關模式 6個武器造型:黑金9mm手槍、銀紋9mm手槍、橡膠戰術散彈槍、木刻散彈槍、雪白弓、碳黑弓 關於此遊戲 榮獲200多項年度最佳遊戲獎的《The Last of Us™》,帶領玩家體驗深刻的劇情和難忘的角色。 在文明崩壞的世界,感染者和頑強的倖存者肆意妄為。歷經滄桑的主角喬爾受僱將14歲的艾莉偷偷從軍事隔離區帶走。然而,原本看似單純的差事,很快變成了橫跨美國的艱苦之行。 收錄內容包括《The Last of Us》完整單人劇情,以及前傳篇章《Left Behind》,敘述改變艾莉和摯友萊莉生命的事件。專為PC設計 《The Last of Us™ Part I》PC版提供豐富PC特色功能,令喬爾與艾莉緊張難忘的旅程栩栩如生。此版本《The Last of Us Part I》針對PC進行最佳化,大大提升PC遊戲體驗。遊戲支援AMD FSR 2.2與Nvidia DLSS超解析度*,有垂直同步與影格率上限選項,還具備許多專為PC設計的功能,包括可調紋理品質、陰影、反射、環境光遮蔽等。 藉由真4K解析度**,以驚人細節呈現美不勝收乃至毛骨悚然的各種環境,PC玩家能透過喬爾與艾莉的經歷沉浸其中。在超寬顯示器支援(21:9超寬與32:9極寬縱橫比)的加持下,踏上橫跨美國的優美旅程,從波士頓隔離區嚴酷壓抑的街道,到草木叢生、房屋廢棄的比爾小鎮,眾多地點等您一探究竟。 透過3D音效支援,更加細緻地傾聽樹葉沙沙聲、玻璃破碎聲,或是敵人試圖伏擊時的腳步聲***,親身前往以上所有地點,體驗悄聲潛行穿越廢棄房屋與城市(同時搜括抽屜和衣櫃尋找物資),又或親臨緊張刺激的動作場面。AMD Fidelity FX Super Resolution 2 利用AMD尖端的時序影像提升技術,在您化身喬爾和艾莉為生存而戰時提升影格率。FSR 2使用先進的演算法來提升影格率,並在多種相容顯示卡中提供高品質、高解析度的《The Last of Us Part I》遊戲體驗。周邊設備支援 《The Last of Us Part I》PC版支援利用有線連接使用DualSense,玩家可透過觸覺回饋和動態扳機感受戰鬥的衝擊、戰車駛過的轟鳴等。遊戲亦支援DualShock 4控制器、眾多其他遊戲控制器,還有鍵盤和滑鼠,玩家可依據喜好調整遊玩風格。PC版包含各種全新自訂操作選項,包括完整的操作重新對應、主次要鍵鼠操作方案等,還有自適應模式,此模式下玩家可以組合鍵盤與控制器輸入。PC版還包括《The Last of Us Part I》的全套協助工具功能,玩家可依據需求和喜好調整遊戲體驗。 * 畫質增強需配備相容的PC和顯示卡。 ** 需配備相容的PC、顯示卡與4K顯示裝置。 *** 3D音效需配備立體聲耳機或相容揚聲器。


127 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 故事情節和人物關係非常棒。
  • 🌟️ 遊戲深度和小收藏品讓人更好奇故事。
  • 🐛️ 遊戲中偶爾會遇到一些小故障。



Pls i want this  cause my ps3 is broken i want to play again😕
Edcel james Violante
It is so amazing
Jezron Farley
The best and worst TV shows and movies based on games

The best and worst TV shows and movies based on games

The Last of Us™ Part I
The Last of Us™ Part I
The game that had a big impact on me was the last of us part 1(remastered). It was the first game that opened up my eyes to true storytelling. Before it i played games like cod mw 2019 cod bocw that had a mediocre story. But the last of us part 1 was a really great experience from the graphics to the storie. I loved the development of the relationship between joel and ellie. Its started of as just a cargo dropoff but later its like a father daughter relationship. Overall the game is amazing and the show is already out on hbo max and its amazing. So yeah thats it. I reccomend you play the last of us part 1 only once because its really cheap now. ( this is just my opinion you can have other opinions you can comment you opinions i will react to them) have a good day!!!


I played this on PS4
Lila Dhami
I want to play this game in my mobile pls
Samuel Jogidas
Mobile version please 🥺
Thet Shwe Tun
The Last of Us™ Part I
The Last of Us™ Part I
My First Horror game and diffently not the last ( Get it? ) I wanted to play both of the games and complete them in time so I could watch the new Tv Show Coming out ( So excited )
Finnlay Goddard
I love this game very
Nithish ravi
The Last of Us™ Part I
The Last of Us™ Part I
At long last, the wait is over! Since June 2020, I've been on the edge of my seat waiting patiently and hoping the gaming gods, Naughty Dog and HBO, wouldn't f*$% up the Last of Us TV series and provide us with a video game adaptation worth watching. It's no secret that, by and large, sitting through video game adaptations is the equivalent of cleansing your eyes with sulfuric acid. Often filmmakers take a story that's already perfect and translate it directly to a medium it wasn't intended for initially. So, of course, the film will be lacking compared with the source material. Then there are those times when they do the opposite and completely rework it so that there's so little of the game in the movie it's barely recognizable.

What HBO's The Last of Us adds to the game's lore
