Vampire Survivors 的影片截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
Vampire Survivors 遊戲截圖
更多《吸血鬼倖存者》是款時間生存RPG冒險遊戲,強調極簡玩法與 Roguelite 元素。 這款讓你宛如置身子彈地獄的單人探險遊戲已經推出手機板了! 空曠的地獄內充滿吸血鬼,讓英雄沒有藏身之地,必須極盡可能地掙扎對抗敵人,努力渡過一個遭到詛咒的夜晚,並在死亡前攢更多的金子來升級及幫助下一個倖存者。 消滅僵屍,活到黎明!《吸血鬼倖存者》是一款融合了 Roguelite 和 Roguelike 元素的角色扮演單機遊戲。你的明智選擇可以幫助你打敗成千上萬的夜間怪物。 透過觸控螢幕免費測試你對抗地獄軍團的勇氣,發掘你的狩獵技能! 對抗成群結隊的敵人、消滅怪物、成為唯一的倖存者!要打敗敵軍,就需要大量強大的武器。這款角色扮演遊戲應有盡有,有十字架、大蒜、國王聖經、魔杖等等任你選擇! 升級你的技能,成為一個擁有無限潛力的地城獵手。成為最強獵人,毫不留情地攻擊邪惡和危險的地獄生物! 可以幫助你攻擊和生存的技巧: 不用急著獲取寶石和物品,它們不會消失; 一開始先獲取兩到三件進攻性武器,每次升級一件; 「盔甲」和「運氣」是很實用的升級,可以花錢購買。 可以時常免費轉換升級,並嘗試新的升級路徑。 一隊又一隊的不死軍團就在四​​周,你認為要打敗他們會很容易嗎?當中的挑戰就是令這個僵屍遊戲成為最好的 Rogue 元素生存冒險遊戲之一的理由。是時候開始這個激動人心的角色扮演生存冒險了! 探索不同的戰鬥階段,學習如何在圖書館、乳品廠等地點殺死敵人。Roguelite 技能經驗值將​​幫助你收集獎金並找到寶藏。你也不想成為落得口袋空空下場的最後倖存者吧? 選擇你最喜歡的角色,展開最令你難忘的角色扮演冒險遊戲。 關注這款 Roguelike RPG 遊戲的 Twitter 和 TikTok 群組,和其他粉絲互動: 🔗link 🔗link@poncle_games 我們才剛剛開始,但我們承諾會繼續不斷改進和增強《吸血鬼倖存者》這個免費角色扮演手機板遊戲的體驗。


231 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲有無限重玩性和令人上癮的roguelike玩法。
  • 📜️ 故事和背景設定出乎意料地好,充滿秘密和挑戰。
  • 🧩️ 新被動道具難以記住,顏色相似讓人困惑。



Great games for low budget mobile phones (free)

Great games for low budget mobile phones (free)

1. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night: • Acclaimed title in the Castlevania series and a defining PlayStation game. • Belongs to the Metroidvania sub-genre, combining action and exploration. • Visually impressive with pixel art graphics and smooth animations. • Engaging gameplay with monster battles and secrets to uncover in a gothic environment. 2. Chrono Trigger: • Highly praised RPG released on SNES.

8 Best Pixel Art Games for Android in 2023

Vampire Survivors
Vampire Survivors
Nothing to play? Now you have! [Some games are in development or closed tests and are not yet playable!].

Games you need to play at least once!

games for future

games for future

Hey, gamers! It’s Friday, 2024/03/15. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 10 roguelike games of Week11 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play. Kicking off at number 10, we have Dead Cells, a roguelike game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.

Top 10 roguelike Games of the Week on TapTap | Week11 2024

Charles Lai
Hey, gamers! It’s Sunday, 2023/05/21. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 10 2d games of Week20 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play. Kicking off at number 10, we have Vampire Survivors, a 2d game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.

Top 10 2d Games of the Week on TapTap | Week20 2023

Charles Lai
Hey, gamers! It’s Friday, 2023/05/19. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 10 roguelike games of Week20 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play. Kicking off at number 10, we have The Wild Darkness, a roguelike game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.

Top 10 roguelike Games of the Week on TapTap | Week20 2023

Charles Lai
"Vampire Survivors" Game Adapted into Animated TV Series in Collaboration with Beijing Joy Pictures.

"Vampire Survivors" Game Adapted into Animated TV Series in Collaboration with Beijing Joy Pictures.

Game Droid Daily
Pixel Art Style Games (For Mobile) 2/2

Pixel Art Style Games (For Mobile) 2/2

Vampire Survivors
Vampire Survivors
Get ready to test your skills and strategy with these thrilling roguelite games, all available on MOBILE now! Explore procedurally generated dungeons, face deadly creatures, and collect powerful items as you embark on epic adventures. Each game features unique mechanics, so whether you prefer turn-based combat, real-time action, or something in between, you're sure to find a title that suits your taste. And with permadeath adding an extra layer of challenge, every decision counts! Don't miss out on these highly addictive and replayable titles.

The Best Steam-Ported Roguelite Games