首頁>遊戲>Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 的影片截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 遊戲截圖
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

505 Games (US), Inc.
更多限時僅售! “根據瑞典大名鼎鼎的電影導演Josef Fares作品改編,是一款廣受好評,故事情節豐富的冒險遊戲,早期版本由著名的Starbreeze工作室發行過。 10/10 - Joystiq “很少有遊戲能將故事情節聯繫得如此緊密。 9/10 - Polygon “玩遊戲的過程中有一種莫名的感動。” 9/10 - Eurogamer “是一部經典之作。” 包攬超過 50 項大獎,其中包括年度最佳遊戲獎、英國電影學院獎 (BAFTA)、DICE 獎等。 一個生命垂危的人,有兩個兒子,他們千方百計想治好病危的父親,但擺在他們面前的只有一個選擇。他們必須開始一段冒險之旅,找到並帶回傳說中的“生命之水”。在旅途中,他們必須相互配合才能存活下來。一個人脆弱時,另一個人必須堅強;一個人害怕時,另一個人必須勇敢,他們必須...兄弟齊心。" • 使用特別設計的雙人虛擬搖桿,帶領兩兄弟 Naia 和 Naiee 展開史詩般的童話之旅 • 您可以同時控制兄弟倆,就像您在單機遊戲中使用多個單位合力作戰一樣 • 兩兄弟各有所長,利用他們的優勢去解密和探索未知的世界,並擊敗獨霸一方的惡棍吧! • 體驗悄無聲息卻又感人至深的故事,體驗超越原作本身的那份感動 “這將是一段你終生難忘的旅程……


87 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 故事情節引人入勝,遊戲玩法創新。
  • 🌟️ 遊戲畫面美麗,環境多樣化,讓人感覺旅程有意義。
  • 👎️ 遊戲控制不佳,操作困難。



Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

That game is vary enjoy to play and some good puzzle will best to solve very fun and fun to play ♥️

Night Eagle
Want to play on andriod
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
I played it on Xbx one S,and i loved it!!Game pass was how I played it,and everything was amazing.Graphics,gameplay,control,timing,everything.A game that will take alot of your time,and have you hooked all the way thru!
Trea AKA Munch
I need this.
Sudhanshu Raj
I want to play this game
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons is story driven game that will take you on an emotional roller coaster. The brothers venture out looking for medicine to save their sick dad. The game has you control both brothers at the same time. I play the steam version and the controls were a bit tough to get used to. You had to use the keyboard to control both brothers and navigate any menus. The mouse wasn't used at all. You use the W S D and spacebar for the older brother and then the up down left right arrows and the right ctrl button for the little brother. The puzzles have you utilize both brothers which takes some time to get used to.

Amazing Story Driven Game With Fun Puzzles...

I completed all the levels
TOP 5 CO-OP GAMES TO PLAY IN 2022 (PC Edition)

TOP 5 CO-OP GAMES TO PLAY IN 2022 (PC Edition)

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Very nice games
Deepak Meena bijoliya
I didn't played
Vinu Mp