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Ogu and the Secret Forest 的影片截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest 遊戲截圖
Ogu and the Secret Forest

Ogu and the Secret Forest

Moonlab Studio
更多藍圖 關於此遊戲 在2D探險游戲《奧咕的探險生活》一起和奧咕寶寶探索奇妙世界吧!手繪角色,多種謎題,和激萌小動物成爲朋友,打敗異界怪物,解開未知世界的秘密!特點 在游戲中,每個區域都有獨特的氛圍和故事,等待你來探險。解開謎題,找到揭露封塵已久的神秘事物和隱藏秘密的綫索。 從家喻戶曉的謎題到游戲獨特謎題,多種謎題等你來挑戰! 神之力已分崩離析,散落世界各地,而邪惡的生靈們則非常熱衷於尋找這些神之碎片。爲了拯救世界,打敗他們吧! 帽子和面具 戴上你的探險帽,去尋找多種多樣的帥氣帽子和面具!用這些帽子和面具裝扮奧咕寶寶,其中部分帽子和面具可能會有特殊技能哦!繪畫游戲中有許多地標和美麗的風景,將它們畫下來,發現新的地域,説不定還能在裡面找到綫索!朋友在探險旅途中也別忘了交朋友!幫助他們解決難題,他們也會用自己的特殊技能和小禮物爲你解決燃眉之急。在這個世界裡,你不是孤軍奮戰!


22 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲的手繪角色和各種類型的謎題提供了一種可愛和沉浸式的氛圍。
  • 🧩️ 遊戲設有不同的區域供玩家探索,每個區域都有獨特的氛圍和人物角色。
  • 🥊️ 戰鬥手感沒有那麼好,主要是用奧咕的信賴蝴蝶網攻擊。



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legion Dmc
I have this on my Steam library already, but haven't got the chance to play it. The visual looks very cute and I'm a fan of cute action-adventure games.
Sarah Johana
Ogu and the Secret Forest
Ogu and the Secret Forest
Ogu and the Secret Forest is an action-adventure game with charming 2d graphics and art style. It has been recently released for PC and mobile platforms. 🟩Pros +Charming and cute characters +Unique and familiar challenging puzzles to solve +Controller Support 🟥Cons -Rudimentary combat system 📝Notable points: Still in Early Access Ogu and the Secret Forest is an early access title that looks like a top-down classic RPG game, but in reality it is more like an action-adventure game with an emphasis on puzzle elements. In this game you control baby Ogu, who was magically transported into another world without much explanation except that there is a war that is in dire need of a hero. What we know is that Ogu is a highly adventurous daydreamer and one that is not going to back down with the challenge of being a hero.

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