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Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical

Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical

Summerfall Studios
更多在現代奇幻世界中,大學輟學生 Grace 獲得了繆思女神的力量,她需要這種力量才能在時間耗盡之前找出前任繆思之死的真相。在這部精美手繪的音樂劇中,你必須決定 Grace 要與誰結盟、她可以信任的對象,以及誰可能會背叛她。 《Stray Gods》由 David Gaider 執筆,是一款描述尋找自我定位、掌控自己命運及發現答案的都會奇幻故事。你的選擇會改變結局,以及抵達結局所經歷的過程。 一個關於希望、發掘自我及走出自己的路的迷人故事。 尋找自己的聲音 「冒險、愛情與歌曲等著你!」 扮演 Grace 在這個世界中施展魅力、交涉或展現強勢風格,表演由葛萊美提名的作曲家 Austin Wintory、Tripod(音樂家 Scott Edgar、Steven Gates、和 Simon Hall)與歐洲歌唱大賽奧地利的 Montaigne(Jess Cerro)負責作曲的原創、全互動音樂劇曲目。以全交響樂及全明星陣容演出,你會覺得自己彷彿置身舞台之上。根據你的選擇會產生數千種可能的變化,你將用配樂打造出自己獨一無二的音樂劇體驗。 尋找答案 「以角色扮演的 DNA 建構出選項與結果 - 絕不會出現重複的遊戲內容。」 深入這個希臘神話中的眾神與怪物隱身其中的世界,認識一群爆笑、神祕又迷人的角色。忘掉你對這些神話人物的了解,在《Stray Gods》中,你會與眾多熟悉的名字建立友誼或樹敵,但又對故事感到陌生。在你透過對話與歌曲決定要講述什麼故事的同時,扮演舞台上的明星及舞台工作人員。 尋找愛情? 「尋找友誼、愛情或自我。」 與凡人及眾神建立友誼。如果你願意的話,還可點燃愛火:與四名潛在的感情對象一起探索、追求並坦承愛意。透過每一次選擇決定你想成為的人。在由 Laura Bailey、Mary Elizabeth McGlynn 及其他即將公開的橫跨電玩、影劇及百老匯表演者的全明星陣容表演下,生動呈現出 David Gaider 筆下的故事及角色。 全新世界 一齣獻給電玩愛好者的音樂劇,同時也是獻給音樂劇好者的電玩遊戲。 《Stray Gods》擁有舞台表演中你所喜愛的喜劇與悲劇元素,以開玩笑且誠摯的風格重構希臘神話,並結合了我們對現代音樂劇與電玩遊戲的喜愛,將角色與故事置於舞台中心。由音樂界、百老匯、影劇及遊戲業中最傑出的人士一起合作完成,《Stray Gods》是一款不容錯過的處女作。


4 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎨️ 遊戲採用吸引人的手繪卡通藝術風格,並且配有出色的配音。
  • 🎵️ 遊戲融合了互動遊戲和音樂元素,提供了獨特且吸引人的體驗。
  • 🐌️ 遊戲節奏較慢,音效混合存在問題,並且存在保存檔案和性能問題。



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Stray Gods - A Broadway Style Musical Murder Mystery

Crit Hit Arlyeon
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STRAY GODS - Musicals can be annoying!

Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical (Reviewed) Developer: Summerfall Studios Publisher: Humble Games Released: Aug 3, 2023 Price: $30 USD Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is a short murder mystery visual novel that follows the legends of the Greek Gods, or what remains of them in this story. It is your responsibility to help them in their time of need while also deciphering the mystery surrounding them and why things are unfolding the way they are.

Stray Gods has me completely divided.

A First Look @ Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical

A First Look @ Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical

Crit Hit Arlyeon
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical fuses urban fantasy, Greek mythology, and musical elements into a captivating experience that resonates with both the heart and the senses. 🟩Pros +captivating hand-drawn cartoon art style +impressive voice acting, both for the dialogue and songs +engaging narrative that explores themes of life, loss, and the unknown +branching paths and choices that matter +the interactive gameplay is blended with musical aspect very well

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Myth meets Modern: A Musical Adventure | Impressions - Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical

Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical (First Impressions)

Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical (First Impressions)

Hello my dear friends!💜 Today I will share with you my impressions of this wonderful game! First of all, let's talk about the pros and cons Pros: The game is very colorful and enjoyable. it has easy intuitive operation. there are many different customizations of both Pokemon and character. Balanced Cons: (Temporary minus) I would like more Pokemon. Basically, Pokemon are paid and you will have to sweat a little to open a new Pokemon.Not developed head chat and interaction between players in non-games (there are only clans and a list of friends)
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TapTap Editor
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is now available on all platforms!

Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is now available on all platforms!

TapTap News