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生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop 遊戲截圖
生存幾何-The Last Shop

生存幾何-The Last Shop

更多焦土之上,殘肢遍地,殭屍肆意破壞著曾經繁華的城市,為了阻止殭屍的侵略,人類不得不在名為“救贖日”的那天投下核彈。然而,這並不足以阻擋殭屍的入侵... 身為一名立足在末日城市的新店長,是時候為了生存而打拼了!頗具殺傷力的武器、CP值極高的裝備和別出心裁的價格,足以讓你的商店在城市中聲名響噹噹。你特有的經營方式一定能吸引到形形色色的顧客......甚至是你早有耳聞的著名英雄! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =製作= 工藝:製作不同風格和各種類型的裝備,包括劍、盾、盔甲、槍枝等等! 升級:成為工匠大師。隨著你製作的物品越多,你的製作物們隨之愈漸強大,越有價值! =開店= 客制化你的商店:壁紙、地毯、裝飾品或雕像!設計夢想中的商店,客人會因此而喜歡你喔! 令人印象深刻的服裝:數十種髮型、衣服和外觀供你選擇,讓你的店主脫穎而出! =龐大的多人世界= 加入聯盟:召集好友一起建立聯盟,或加入其他玩家的聯盟,共同投資打造完美城市! 組隊:完成公會活動,獲得豐厚獎勵,為城市發展添磚加瓦! 玩轉市場:在全球玩家共聚的市場交易中積累金條! =集結英雄= 自組你的戰隊:在不同的職業中招募英雄,並為他們配備強大的裝備! 升級你的英雄:當英雄達到一定等級時,就到了轉職的重要時刻!每個英雄都有許多分支職業可供選擇!每次轉職都會附加上不同的英雄能力! 與怪物戰鬥:派遣英雄小隊與變異怪物和殭屍戰鬥,收集寶貴的製作材料! 【聯繫我們】 遊戲內反饋:設置-郵件-問題反饋 客服郵箱:[email protected]


27 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎨️ 漫畫書介紹很酷,遊戲內容豐富,包括擁有商店、製作物品和招募英雄。
  • 👾️ 圖形漂亮,玩家可以成為城鎮的投資者,增加互動性和個人化元素。
  • 🔄️ 遊戲過於重複,玩家無法在遊戲初期編輯主角,後期需花費金幣。



生存幾何-The Last Shop
生存幾何-The Last Shop
The Last Shop - Craft & Trade is a store management game where players manage a town shop, selling weapons, armors, and supplies to adventurers in a survivalist town across an apocalyptic setting. 🟩Pros +Borderline addictive merchant simulation +Bonus gameplay elements like town building and hero management 🟥Cons -Gets grindy -Selling and restocking are done manually Have you ever wondered how it is like on the other side? On the side of the merchant selling goods to heroes and adventurers?

This store management game is almost addicting | Full Review - The Last Shop - Craft & Trade

生存幾何-The Last Shop
生存幾何-The Last Shop
Everyone has their communities, wandering on their own and looking for resources. The main question is..." What do you do?" You open a store to help during these harsh times in the Zombie Apocolapys. Hopefully, you can survive this ordeal and run your new store. Only time can tell... Summary: In order to stop raging zombies, humans dropped a nuclear bomb on that day. We call it "Redemption Day." But the zombies have not been completely wiped out...

Welcome back to the world of Zombies - The Last Shop Review

The one shop open to save the world from Zombies! - The Last Shop Review

The one shop open to save the world from Zombies! - The Last Shop Review

Unleash your inner merchant | First Impressions - The Last Shop - Craft & Trade

Unleash your inner merchant | First Impressions - The Last Shop - Craft & Trade

生存幾何-The Last Shop
生存幾何-The Last Shop

Looked like Sims 2 setup

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[Weekly HIT] Demian Saga, Tomorrow: Online Survival, and more - April 6

TapTap Editor
生存幾何-The Last Shop
生存幾何-The Last Shop
A game that is easy enough to understand and you can get back to it after you finish some work. The tutorial is great and you will get the most part of it in one go. 📌 The graphics are okay, you can play this on a potato phone. The audio is quite okay not too shabby. UI placement is not that mediocre like some portrait-style games. If you like this kind of genre, you should try it!

A simple enough game that even your potato phone can handle

生存幾何-The Last Shop
生存幾何-The Last Shop
This game is great. I learned some things about doing business. Designing my own shop with the furniture I like is what I want the most. What's fun is during the tutorial, the furniture you will need to pick is free. Selling/Trading some items is really engaging, and as time goes by, the number of items I can sell/trade increases. This game has a lot more to offer. I think I will play it more often for a while.

It is really engaging to play a game that has much to offer like this one.

生存幾何-The Last Shop
生存幾何-The Last Shop
It's a city-building simulation game that allows players to create and manage a shop by producing and selling various products. The game offers a detailed crafting system where players can collect resources, create different items, and trade them with the customers to earn money. I appreciate the social aspect of the game and the competitive environment.

I really enjoy games with a crafting and trade-style theme
